The 3 zodiac signs that are luckiest in love on

The 3 zodiac signs that are luckiest in love on October 26th

With our Moon in Aries on October 26, 2023, we’ll find out what we’re made of when it comes to showing up to our romantic partnerships. Maybe we’ve been underestimated by the person we love and we’re not sure why they feel that way. All we know is that it’s a good time for self-reflection, and if we follow this train of thought, we realize that perhaps it’s not a bad idea to think deeply about our actions during the Moon in Aries.

Do we show up to this relationship or call it out? October 26th reflects our actions and shows us that we must do better. For three zodiac signs, this is a challenge we can’t resist. With the Moon in Aries, we are ready to accept that we need to evolve. We want this to work and we are willing to do the work required.

The Moon in Aries isn’t just a good time to discuss what we think needs improvement. It is the right time to be confident that we can get the job done. The “mission” in this case is to be there for our partner. This Thursday we’re finally believing in ourselves for the first time in a long time, and these three signs will make the most of the Aries Moon.

Three zodiac signs that are luckiest in love on October 26, 2023:

1. Aries

(March 21 – April 19)

You have never encountered a crisis that caused you and your romantic partner to feel at odds. Yes, it happens, and yes, there are occasional “love” fights, but you are not the type of person to let this state of mind become a lifestyle. During the Moon in Aries, you’ll feel recharged and ready to do whatever it takes to get things on the right track. You feel strong and purposeful, and love is the goal here.

You can’t really say things have gone downhill, but you both started to feel a little uncomfortable because certain things were left unsaid. October 26, 2023 could be a good day to express yourself and more – to encourage your partner to express themselves too. You two are in for a good “profound revelation” conversation, so to speak, and there’s no better time to be confident about something like that than during the Moon in Aries.

What makes this a lucky day for love is that both of you feel safe and secure enough around each other to show vulnerability. They can show each other that it’s safe here, that it’s welcome to speak out, and that it’s completely okay to express an opposing opinion. This is a great day to work things out together, as the Moon in Aries supports couples in such endeavors. All is well in your world, Aries.

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2. Leo

(July 23rd – August 22nd)

What haven’t you and your partner been through yet? What an intense story you two have written together, and it’s far from over. The person you are with right now is the person you believe in and will guide and support you until your last breath. To get to this point, you have paid the price, and so have they. On October 26, 2023, during the Moon’s transit in Aries, you will find that it is time to do another “luck” check.

On this day, you are interested in checking with your partner whether everything is okay with him. The two of you have always been respectful of each other’s space and hearts, and you will never stop. Still, you’re both human and sometimes things get fishy and, well, people forget. During the Moon in Aries, sit down with your partner and discuss your feelings.

You have learned to fade into the background when speaking. You must use your powerful power to heal rather than dominate. While it’s in your nature to “take charge,” use the power that the Moon in Aries brings to calm and encourage. You don’t mind sharing the stage with your partner because you believe in them as much as you believe in yourself.

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3. Sagittarius

(November 22nd – December 21st)

You feel like the only thing you ever really want to look forward to is safety, security, and love. This is what you have, and this is what you want to protect. They have a good romantic relationship where both parties show mutual respect. During the Moon transit in Aries on October 26, 2023, you will feel that it is your duty as a lover to check in with your partner and ensure that everything in their life is going smoothly.

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They are there to help when they don’t and to help when they need help. You want your partner to know that they are free within the romance; You’re not her boss. You are her partner. It took a while for this understanding to become a reality, as you were once very all-powerful when it came to determining the direction of the relationship. You no longer feel the need to fix things; You are relaxed now and we really appreciate that.

You will find that during the Aries Moon you believe in the relationship more than ever before; They see it as something that can last… something that “should” last. Your vision is clear and so are your goals. You feel like your romantic partner is on the same path as you, and you want to keep it that way. You won’t force the issue, but you will find that everything goes according to plan on October 26th… and with ease.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, tarot, runes and astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.