The 3 zodiac signs who want honest love on January

The 3 zodiac signs who want honest love on January 3, 2023 in the moon sextile Jupiter

There is a lot of “housekeeping” to do in this first week of the year, and it’s not just about the actual home, but the relationships that exist within the home…like our own. One of the issues that might arise for many that day is the question, “Are you honest with me?”

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We may feel safe and sane knowing that the answer is yes, but we are also at that point in our lives where we literally need actual validation. Call us neurotic, we just get along that way. It’s a human thing.

On this day, January 3rd, 2023, we have a visiting transit called the moon sextile Jupiter which, if we allow it, can do wonders for our love life.

Yes indeed, there are a ton of good vibes emanating from this sextile, and that good feeling will be there to support us as we sit down and talk to the people we are in a relationship with.

We may not necessarily believe our partners are lying to us, but we want to make it clear to them and to ourselves that lying will not be tolerated…ever. We need honesty, loyalty and sincerity.

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The beauty of the influence of the Moon sextile Jupiter is that that is its job: to bring peace of mind to us neurotic people and to put aside all our doubts about love.

So if you’re one of those zodiac signs who desperately needed to know certain things, then this is the right time to ask. Don’t be surprised if you find out that everything is fine and you don’t have to worry. Kind!

The three zodiac signs who want honest love on January 3, 2023 in the lunar sextile Jupiter:

1. Gemini

(May 21 – June 20)

You know what it’s like to be lied to and the worst part about being deceived is that you believed them in the beginning. Being lied to makes you feel like an idiot, and it’s become quite an issue for you with romantic partners. You can’t stand lies, and you won’t.

During Moon sextile Jupiter, you will discuss this concept with your last partner and they will fully agree with you. While it seems obvious that “lies are bad,” not everyone is willing to admit that they actually lie, and to their partners.

You feel like you’ve found someone worth bothering with, and having decent conversations like this is all part of that effort. It’s good that you made this public Gemini because it will absolutely work for you.

RELATED: Why we lie and how to spot a liar instantly

2. Libra

(September 23 – October 22)

You need honesty in your relationship because why bother with anything else? How on earth could a lie or a fabrication have any value to you? It can’t, and you learned it the hard way.

And so, inspired by the day’s cosmic events, you will sit down and have the conversation that you feel is necessary. You will not tolerate lies in romance. This can create curiosity in your partner, who may wonder why you are so fervent in your request.

This means they might think that YOU are lying to them about something just because you keep talking about it. do yourself a favor; Express your feelings without making it a military order; Your partner wants to commit, so don’t shove it down their throats.

RELATED: Why so many people are dishonest in their relationships

3. Sagittarius

(November 22 – December 21)

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You know what it’s like to be lied to, and that’s why you dread getting into a relationship at all. You know you want to be with someone, but in the past your hesitancy has overridden your desire to actually get together.

You feel like you’ve missed something because it’s so hard for you to trust anyone. Now you’re in a relationship, and while it’s fun and exciting, those nagging old feelings resurface. So, instead of going on a total feast of neurosis, take a step back and be logical.

You have a very useful transit working for you today – Moon sextile Jupiter, and instead of letting it pass you, use its energy to have an extremely important conversation about honesty with your new partner. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by, Sagittarius.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, tarot, runes and astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

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