The 3 zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on January 24th

The 3 zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on January 24th, 2023

Have you ever been on a diet and as you eliminate certain foods from your diet, do you know that everything you eat is not only healthy, but “chosen” and absolutely must meet your expectations?

And then it’s time for you to indulge in that one daily dose of – whatever – and as soon as it hits your tongue you realize it’s stale. Welcome to today.

January 24th is the kind of day that ends up leaving a bad taste in your mouth. Whatever is going to happen there is nothing to be done about it, leaving our response to it as something entirely up to us.

How we see whatever creates that “stale tidbit” effect is how we go about the day. It’s the old glass half full or half empty gig. And the Gigmaster is of course Moon Square Mars, because nobody likes a good prank like this transit. Moon square Mars IS the joker.

Today’s transit will make us feel like we have to catch up. We will try to do our best and even be praised for being attentive or determined.

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None of this will matter, however, because at the end of the day, all we will know is that no matter what area of ​​our lives we invest that work in, the work we invest in today will produce an obsolete product. In other words, for so many of us today, we need to be operating at our optimum level.

The three signs of the zodiac with rough horoscopes on January 24, 2023:

1. Aries

(March 21 – April 19)

While it’s not wise to put off big plans for today, you should survey your surroundings before launching big ideas into the airwaves. This means that on this day as the Moon squares Mars, you can find yourself in a creative mindset; They want to do great work and want to show off, which is perfectly acceptable.

For today, though, you’re advised to go over your work again, or double-check it, because if you don’t, you may find that what you’re “sharing with the world” is actually a half-baked idea with a pretty raw center.

Kudos to you for being so bold and bold, but on this day while the Moon squares Mars it looks like you have overestimated your abilities. Yes, you are excellent at that, but there is such a thing as “checking your work”. Do this and you won’t have a hard time.

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2. Cancer

(June 21 – July 22)

Today brings great ideas, and what you believe is the courage it will take to implement those ideas. You feel bold today, like taking a risk comes naturally, and that’s good because it gets your heart racing and you feel alive and productive. So far so good, and then there’s Moon squared Mars to challenge you even further.

You may be so excited about change and risk today that you jump at the chance to do something different, but here’s the catch: today isn’t for doing something different.

Today, do what you do best without changing plan or direction. So since you see nothing but the success you envision as a result of your actions, you will not be able to see that what you are doing is yet to be prepared. So back it up a little, Cancer. You are a great talent but sometimes you have to wait before you spill this beauty on the world.

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3. Scorpio

(October 23 – November 21)

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What makes this day quite tough for you Scorpio is that you are someone who can recognize excellence; They have a taste for the sophisticated and in a way they are a bit spoiled. And you like it that way. As far as you are concerned, there is no going back and whatever got you to this point can only be attributed to your diligence and hard work.

You believe that you will always succeed, but that will be hard to do today as the moon square Mars seems to be pretty good at stealing the limelight from those who believe in themselves.

You’re not doing anything wrong today, Scorpio; You are only trying to create beauty and light for yourself, but Moon square Mars has other ideas in store for you and on this day, January 24th, you can see how even the best of intentions can become the bitterest reality .

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, tarot, runes and astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

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