The 3 zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on Saturday April

The 3 zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on Saturday, April 30th, 2022 – YourTango

As retrograde Pluto gains momentum and lunar sextile Mars makes its presence felt today, some of us may take that energy and turn it into something less than useful.

Today is all about the rebellion, and in this case it’s more about self-sabotage and how we stand in our way.

Today the new moon brings us in Taurus and this transit can be our salvation. With Venus conjunct Jupiter, we need to be extra careful with the people we love or have a crush on as we could seriously jeopardize things if we are not careful.

RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Crazy Ex’s Return During New Moon in Taurus on April 30th, 2022

Since the Moon sextile Mars could cause us to say the wrong thing at the wrong time, we could come across as much more hostile than we even remotely intend.

Being misunderstood will make this day restless, which also means we spend a lot of time today trying to explain ourselves.

We don’t want to be misunderstood, although it can get worse as we work our way through the endless explanations. On this day, words and intentions count. Thoughts that arise during each new moon are important and should be considered, especially if those thoughts are optimistic.

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It’s a good day to be optimistic as that may be the only thing that gets us out of the funk that could potentially make for some zodiac signs today.

With the new moon in Taurus during Pluto retrograde, we should have an interesting day. Keep it easy, don’t get too serious, Leo, Aquarius and Pisces.

And try to have a nice day even if you are one of the zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on Saturday 04/30/2022

1. lion

(July 23 – August 22)

The only real negative for you to date, Leo, is the idea that you can’t help but trample on your dreams — and you’re doing it unconsciously.

Do you remember the song “I Shot the Sheriff?” Well, there’s a line in it that’s similar to your attitude today, and that’s the one that says, “Every time I plant a seed, it says kill it before it grows.”

, in that regard, kill off your ideas before you even start believing in them. It’s as if the transits of the day prepared you for big dreams, and yet in return you only have the idea to cut those dreams short. You’re staying today and you don’t know why.

This is starting to get you excited and you’ll be in the snout by the evening. There are days like this and luckily they don’t last. Don’t sweat too much, Leo. We all need a mental health day. Take some time off. It will do you good.

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2. Aquarius

(January 20 – February 18)

This could be the day you say goodbye to someone such as ending the relationship or just ghosting a friend.

The bearishness brings with it a big shift, and most of it is super positive.

However, sometimes getting to the positive part means living through the dregs of the negative, and that’s how your day will go.

You have to feel it, so to speak, in order to heal it, and while you feel like it won’t exactly be a fun experience, it will take you to the next phase, and that’s where your hard-learned lessons of the day will start to pay off.

So today nothing looks like it will work, but it does; it just doesn’t work in an obvious way. They’re scared of the new moon, and yes, that’s one thing. Try to fake it until you make it; it’s creative after all.

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3. Pisces

(February 19 – March 10)

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You will be swayed by the promise of love as Venus conjunct Jupiter gives you the idea that romance awaits you that day. And with the New Moon in Taurus, you can’t help but feel that this day will bring you a big, loving surprise.

Well, it won’t be exactly like that, but there will be love involved.

On that day April 30, 2022 an idea will grab you and make your love life a better place for both of you, you need to make an overhaul; The idea of ​​changing things on a BIG level will obsess you.

While this obsession is something that creates momentum and speed, it can prove misguided. It’s like you have big intentions for the day, but you haven’t thought things through, and this day can take that confusion and double it. Today is about finding clarity for you, Pisces. It’s not half as bad as it sounds.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, tarot, runes and astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

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