1665814457 The 3 zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on Saturday

The 3 zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on Saturday, October 15th, 2022

In perfect timing with the universe, today will be a day to rest and fill up your own cup so you have more to give to others.

The upcoming eclipse and new moon in Scorpio are rushing towards you and your life like a wave, but even on the rising tide today, trust that every pause has meaning.

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October should be a month of energy shifts as the planets began spinning straight, ushering in a new astro cycle and calling you to set out on your own.

Yet even in novelty there is a divine pace to embrace.

Today the Moon returns to Cancer as it positively connects with Mars in Gemini, urging you to slow down and make sure you take care of yourself today.

The Moon is at home in Cancer, which means it is urging you especially hard to reconnect not only with your physical home but with the home you have within yourself.

Cancer is a water sign that rules motherhood, family, and living space that feels nurturing and fulfilling.

Many of the decisions you make in life are about creating or establishing more of that physical, or even proverbial, home.

A place of belonging is often what is behind many of the changes that feel disturbing, but are just catalysts to help you live in a more authentic space within yourself.

Cancer Moon is calling you today to rest your body and heart.

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The ongoing friction between Mars in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces alongside that of Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus creates a sense of knowing that something is getting closer on the horizon.

This intuitive feeling is one where you know you are about to make an important decision, or even be a part of someone else’s decision.

However, the Universe always wants to remind you that you cannot control everything, that you cannot let the future come sooner, and that sometimes the best progress is made when you just allow things to happen as they are meant to.

Cancer moon alongside Jupiter retrograde in Aries blocks your own agenda today as you feel your day is better spent relaxing and catching up on your favorite shows than going out into the world to make things happen.

Usually this is a tense aspect that can cause frustration, but today the strong supportive influence of the Cancer moon will make it feel like you have nothing to do but just rest.

Calmness is an important part of the process, especially when you can engage in the non-judgmental meaning that means not thinking about the long to-do list in your head, but instead understanding that you are creating the space and resilience to be able to treat everything as it comes.

Because calm means not only refilling your cup, but also saying that you are worth just being and trusting in knowing exactly what you need.

The three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes for Saturday, October 15, 2022 are:

1. Cancer

(June 21 – July 22)

Slow down on cancer today and just observe everything you have accomplished in the last few weeks or even months. You’ve been on a grueling journey lately to honor your own truth and speak it wherever it is needed. However, getting ahead does not mean forgetting your own needs.

It doesn’t mean fearing you’ll lose momentum just because you feel tired or need more rest. Be gentle with yourself today as you would be with someone you care about. Remember that the truth is not just in what you say, but in how you take care of yourself. Slowing down today may seem to be preventing you from making the changes you want, but it is actually helping you take a step closer.

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2. Capricorn

(December 22 – January 19)

Cancer moon sheds light on your romantic life today and work to focus on lately. You tend to take a very work oriented approach to everything, even love. They see something that needs to be done and work on it until it’s done.

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But even here you do not always take the time to be aware of your needs or even those of your partner. Pluto has just turned right into your sign, which means you can see how you have helped or hindered what you want to create in all areas of your life. Well, today’s Cancer Moon will allow you to take a more soulful approach, so you really do things differently.

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3. Gemini

(May 21 – June 20)

Mars is the planet of action and ambition. Currently in your sign through early next year, it seems you must be in a constant state of action and change. This has and will allow you to direct your life in the way you have always wanted, which is a wonderful thing. However, this is also a journey where you need to find a sustainable pace.

Cancer Moon reminds you to slow down today. Thinking about everything that happened and what you’re feeling inside instead of just moving on. As the planet that governs all of this will be floating in your life and helping you to manifest your own personal beliefs and desires over the next few months, it is important to allow yourself these moments of stillness as this will ultimately lead to the peace will be what you are looking for.

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Kate Rose is an author, spiritual astrologer, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. You can find more of her work on her website.

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