The 36 year old superstar released by WWE resurfaces and

The 36 year old superstar, released by WWE, resurfaces and unveils a new name in his “rebirth” PRWrestling

Elias WWE

A 36-year-old wrestler who was released from WWE in September and is now officially a free agent. He posted a video on social media today announcing his post-WWE ring name.

The video shows the fighter formerly known as Elías walking through a valley and arriving at what looks like his own grave, symbolizing a new beginning in his career. Elijah then emerges from a fiery tomb as the name “Elijah” flashes on the screen.

The narrator of the video says:

A man adorned with the symbols of fame, wealth and fame descended into the Valley of Shadows. The resonance of his earlier triumphs reverberated like a grand spectacle that once marked his journey. But in the quiet humility of the valley's embrace, he discovered a path less traveled. A modern-day spendthrift fervently seeking redemption from his deadly division beyond the fleeting praise of earthly recognition. The scriptures say that it is appointed for man to die once and then be judged, but this man had to enter death to be justified, renewed, and regenerated. The Holy Scripture says that people are subject to slavery all their lives because of the fear of death and need to be freed.

But death couldn't hold him back. O death, where is your sting? O grave, where is your victory? He himself is saved as if by fire.

Elias was one of several wrestlers released from WWE in September. Other talent who left the company at the same time as him include Emma, ​​​​Dolph Ziggler, Mustafa Ali, Mace & Mansoor, Dana Brooke, Dolph Ziggler, Dabba Kato, Shanky, Quincy Elliot and Yulisa Leon.

The ups and downs of Elias in the WWE

Elias' WWE career began in 2014 when he signed a contract with the company to work in its developmental territory NXT.

In 2017, Elias was promoted to the WWE main roster. His debut on Raw was a success and Elias quickly became one of the brand's most popular characters. Elias was known for his musical performances, often mocking WWE fans and wrestlers.

Elias had a successful run on the main roster, winning four 24/7 championships. He also had rivalries with some of WWE's greatest wrestlers, such as Roman Reigns, Randy Orton and Seth Rollins.

In 2021, Elias was involved in a storyline with Jaxson Ryker. The story ended with Elias burning his guitar, symbolizing the end of his character.

In 2022, Elias returned to WWE, but this time under the name Ezekiel. Ezekiel was supposedly Elias' younger brother and his character is calmer and less sarcastic. Elias is a talented and charismatic character, but many believe that WWE never gave him the opportunity to reach his full potential.