The 4 Zodiac Signs Whose Relationships Are Improving In January

The 4 Zodiac Signs Whose Relationships Are Improving In January 2023

As the year begins with a new surge of energy, you may find that your relationship with yourself needs to improve.

For many, it seems that as romantic relationships improve, new connections will begin with others.

It wasn’t even that your past relationship was terrible, but that you did so much karmic clearing within yourself that growth and subsequent ascension was inevitable.

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For those who are able to find that deepening bond and new phase of love with an existing partner, it’s because you’ve grown together, not apart.

Ultimately, this is the secret to improving relationships; you have to take care of that yourself first.

As you develop a better relationship with yourself, look for other qualities within a partnership and romantic connection.

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Sometimes it represents a new challenge met with greater intimacy in an existing relationship. In others, it means you had to outgrow your old relationship to know that this new type of connection existed.

Mercury retrograde at the beginning of the month will help you gain a deeper understanding of your beliefs and plans for the future, while Mars and Uranus rotating directly allow you to finally take action in your romantic life.

Nothing is holding you back, including your wounds.

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As of January 2023, here are the four zodiac signs whose relationships are improving:

1. Scorpio

(October 23 – November 21)

You’ve been patient, and now it’s time to allow yourself to settle into your new romantic path. Uranus, the planet of sudden and unexpected change, has been retrograde in your romantic Taurus sector since late August. During that time, you encountered surprising events and moments that left you confused about which direction to take and what it all meant.

But because of the uncertainty, you felt like you couldn’t quite take the next step simply because you didn’t know which direction to go. This month Uranus is finally going direct and with it comes the knowledge and confidence you have been looking for. For you as a Scorpio, it can be a brand new chapter in an existing relationship or even a whole new one.

But something is changing, and in a big way for you. There was a sense that you knew that everything that was happening had a greater meaning, or that what you were going through was somehow part of this big change you were praying for in your life.

It’s sometimes hard to trust that feeling when life isn’t immediately designed to provide it.

Still, because you’re such a deep emotional sign, it takes time for the rest of the world to catch up with what you already know. This month, the change you’ve been looking for has arrived. It can come in a rush of activity and change, or in a quiet knowing that covers your heart like a warm blanket.

It’s that moment when you understand that love may not always go according to plan, but that’s only because there’s a better one.

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2. Sagittarius

(November 22 – December 21)

The hardest thing for you is knowing that change is coming but not yet being able to take the steps it requires of you. Mars has been moving back into your Gemini romantic zone since the end of October.

Mars rules action, ambition and passion. Gemini is less about action and more about thinking about what motivates or drives you to make certain decisions in your love life. You may have had sudden realizations about past decisions, or even deeper understanding of your current decisions. But despite all this energy at play, you were unable to take any action. You are a fire sign, the archer of the zodiac.

Whatever you strive for, you will eventually make it. There was a reason you were delayed in the way you did it, because you should do things differently this time.

You should feel blocked from taking action so that you realize what you really need from love and the person you are in a relationship with. It was a time when illusions and safety nets were dropped so you could embrace truth more fully.

This month, as Mars finally turns directly into Gemini, you’ll get the chance you’ve been waiting for. It’s time to move forward with full force. Whether it’s planning a future with your partner or getting on one knee, this month is about making all your dreams come true, knowing that while you’ve had to wait for this moment, now, where it’s there, you’re not gonna let it pass you by.

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2. lion

(July 23 – August 22)

In the coming month, Venus, the Sun and the New Moon will all be in Aquarius, which rules your love life. That means wonderful things are in store for you, not just in terms of romance, but also in terms of how you feel about yourself.

After some extended lessons while Saturn also moved through this area of ​​your life, you finally feel ready to move forward. This month holds all the love and new beginnings you’ve been dreaming of.

You have to make sure you are in the spot where you can see it. Venus in Aquarius helps you understand the importance of being loved by others, which means you can take better care of yourself. Integrating the lessons of Saturn and Venus in Aquarius can help you understand more deeply what happened in your past romantic situations and why you can safely believe that things will be different this time.

Of course, you have free will and the ability to continue to believe that trying a new relationship is futile. However, you already know where this path leads.

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The one who is new and unexplored believes that you can get what you desire because you put in the work to do it differently this time. The New Moon in Aquarius occurs towards the end of the month. The moon is a brightly shining beginning for you to open up to your existing lover more vulnerable or to dare love again.

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3. Cancer

(June 21 – July 22)

This month offers opportunities to help you heal what you have been going through and allow yourself to trust in the love you have cultivated in your relationship. At the beginning of the month, the Sun and Mercury are both in Capricorn, your romantic sign, meaning that both communication and action will focus on new developments in this part of your life.

Mercury will be in retrograde by mid-month, but this is an opportunity to have important conversations with your partner about past events. Mercury spent some time retrograde in Capricorn in early 2022. It’s time to finally clear the air if you feel like similar issues are popping up for you. Use these to talk about the things you are often uncomfortable with.

Over the past year, you’ve realized the importance of taking care of yourself as much as you do those you love. This means that you end up becoming the martyr of love and instead enter a phase where balanced mutual love takes precedence.

As much as it may seem that you cannot transition your current relationship into this new state of love, now is the time to open up and trust that you are finally ready to embrace your growth and even yours love to trust again.

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Kate Rose is an author, spiritual astrologer, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. You can find more of her work on her website.

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