1664830946 The 5 destinations to go to the beach in November

The 5 destinations to go to the beach in November too, and one is in Europe and it’s free Esquire Italia

In autumn we were not ready: the shorter days, the first gray and cold days, the rain and the wind that freezes your hands in the evenings. It happens every year, it’s the seasons, but trouble is inevitable. However, there is a simple remedy: a week in a warm place.

Having a few hot days is a bit like back in summer and that’s the beauty of it. A week of sunshine in mid-November is enough for the tan to return and with it a good mood and well-being.

But where? Well, there’s a wide range of hot (and cheap) fall destinations to choose from. For us Europeans, as highlighted in this recent ranking, Tenerife is the best option.


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The island of Tenerife is a natural paradise where it averages 20ºC in November. That means afternoons at 26 degrees, which equates to around 28 degrees in the sun, and nights in the cool, around 17 degrees. In short, perfection.

In addition to Tenerife, which is a little further away from Europe, there is Rio de Janeiro with an average of 24 degrees, then the beaches of Florida with an average of 25 degrees and in fourth place Goa, India, with 28 degrees. . Finally, there’s Africa: in Egypt, for example, it’s enchanting in November.