The 51 year old mother is becoming a viral star thanks to

The 51-year-old mother is becoming a viral star thanks to her youthful appearance

A 51-year-old mother, often mistaken for half her age, has revealed the secrets behind her ageless vision, saying she stopped sunbathing 30 years ago and sleeps on a silk pillowcase.

Rene Olivia, fashion and beauty blogger new Yorkshares his amazing tips on how to feel and look your best Instagram and TikTokwhere it has a total of 346,000 followers.

“People are quite surprised when I tell them my age. However, fashion and style help me in this. If you behave with confidence, it certainly helps, “she said, attributing her youthful appearance to just a few simple practices.

Rene Olivia, a fashion and beauty blogger in New York, has a total of 346,000 followers on Instagram and TikTok

Rene Olivia, a fashion and beauty blogger in New York, has a total of 346,000 followers on Instagram and TikTok

The 51-year-old mother said she was living

The 51-year-old mother said she was living “her best life” in her 50s, adding that her sons Tristan, six, and Kaidin, two, were helping keep her young.

“I stopped tanning – or say sunbathing – at the age of 18,” she explained.

“I always take off my makeup at night. I sleep on a silk pillowcase and I have a great skin care routine that I am very consistent with. I also never neglect my neck and arms. These can be signs of aging.

She also trains four to five times a week for 30 to 45 minutes and eats healthily to maintain her zero size.

“Training and proper nutrition are so important now that I’m 50,” she said. “It’s always important, but now it’s much more.”

Rene was a success on social media, but did not find his vocation until later in life. She grew up in a small town in Ohio, but has always had an interest in fashion.

“We didn’t have a lot of money growing up, so I just read fashion magazines and watched celebrities on TV, and that really inspired me,” she recalls.

Renee admitted that in her 20s she was addicted to her then-fiancé, who was her mistress in high school. For a long time she didn’t know who she was without him.

Renee celebrates his important 50th birthday in February 2020 and things are just getting better for the social media sensation

Renee celebrates his important 50th birthday in February 2020 and things are just getting better for the social media sensation

Renee explained that people are

Renee explained that people are “quite surprised” when they learn her age, and she attributes her youthful appearance to just a few simple practices.

The digital creator noted that she stopped sunbathing when she was 18

The digital creator noted that she stopped sunbathing when she was 18

At the age of 28, she ended her engagement after years of postponing it for fear of being alone and moved to New York with a friend.

She spent her 30 years establishing her own identity and a decade after moving, she met her current husband Ken at the age of 38.

After several emotional rounds of in vitro fertilization (IV), Renee and Ken greeted their sons, Tristan, six, and Kaidin, two. She believes that being their mother is her true calling.

Rene turned 50 in February 2021, and while many women fear an important birthday, she believes it has marked a positive “turning point” in her life.

“Everything I’ve been through and achieved in my life has been about 10 years later than what’s considered ‘normal,’ I guess you’d say,” she said. “I was afraid of 30 more than 50. Fifty is definitely a scary number. However, I am 100 percent more confident and satisfied now at this stage of my life.

“Maybe because my children inspire me to be a better person overall. At 30, I only had to take care of myself, so the attitude was completely different. I was much more selfish then.

Renae now follows a strict skin care regimen and sleeps on a silk pillow case

Renae now follows a strict skin care regimen and sleeps on a silk pillow case

Renee also trains four to five times a week for 30 to 45 minutes and eats healthily to maintain her zero size. Renee also trains four to five times a week for 30 to 45 minutes and eats healthily to maintain her zero size.

Renee also trains four to five times a week for 30 to 45 minutes and eats healthily to maintain her zero size.

1645711992 426 The 51 year old mother is becoming a viral star thanks to

“Training and proper nutrition are so important now that I’m 50,” she said. “It’s always important, but now much more”

Rene was inspired to create her popular social media accounts after women kept asking her to share her anti-aging secrets.

“I originally started my trip on YouTube and Instagram to show people my skincare and beauty routines because people randomly asked me what my secret was to looking so young,” she said.

She now has nearly 70,000 followers on Instagram and has since launched her own TikTok account, which is even more popular.

“I am extremely surprised by my growth over the last year,” said the mother. “It’s very rewarding to see, because I don’t think people realize how much work goes into creating all the content and all the backstage you have to do.

“My advice to others is do not doubt and do not doubt. Just do it. I wish I had started earlier, “she added. “What’s the worst that can happen?” I think the biggest regret in life is realizing too late that you should have at least tried. You just never know what might happen.

Rene was inspired to create her popular social media accounts after women kept asking her to share her anti-aging secrets

Rene was inspired to create her popular social media accounts after women kept asking her to share her anti-aging secrets

When she first launched her TikTok account, she received harsh comments from people who said she was

When she first launched her TikTok account, she received harsh comments from people who said she was “too old” to be on the platform.

“I have many women who compliment my style. It makes me feel so happy that I can inspire others to feel good in their own skin, regardless of your age.

When she first launched her TikTok account, she received harsh comments from people who said she was “too old” to be on the platform.

“People say things like, ‘Thanks, I’ll pass this on to my grandmother, she’ll like it.’ Or, ‘Yeah, you’re definitely too old to be here.’

“I had a funny guess at how old I was in the video, which I mostly had a lot of good comments about, but some would have suggested that I was 75 or 65,” she recalls. I just said, “I respect your opinion and asked the question.”

But she proved all her critics wrong after gaining more than 276,200 followers on TikTok, although not everyone is interested in her because of her fashion and beauty tips.

“Surprisingly, I have a few more male followers,” she said. “I think some consider Instagram or TikTok as a dating app, but in general I would say an approximate 50-50 ratio.”

Rene proved that the critics were wrong after gathering more than 276,200 followers on TikTok

Rene proved that the critics were wrong after gathering more than 276,200 followers on TikTok

1645711992 769 The 51 year old mother is becoming a viral star thanks to

“My advice to others is do not doubt and do not doubt. Just do it. I wish I had started earlier, “she said

Rene focuses on creating inclusive content for women aged 30 and over as she works to make the world a better place for her children.

“We must strive to make this world inclusive, not exclusive,” she said. “This applies to all races, religions, ages, genders and sexual orientations. We need to be better. I want a better world for my children more than anything.

“My husband is Korean and my children are a mixed race, and I’m scared of what’s happening in the world today. I can’t just hope things get better, I have to be better, “she explained.

“It’s very difficult for minorities – and not just now. I am in the process of figuring out what I can do to help.

“I just want my kids to grow up in a better world. This is certainly a difficult task, but I do not think it is impossible.

Rene hopes to continue working as a digital creator after his 60s and wants to remind fans that it’s never too late to start.

“If someone is 40 and wonders if they should start this journey, I say yes, yes, yes, just do it,” she said.