The Adventures of Super Fitzgibbon

The Adventures of Super Fitzgibbon!

It is often said that Quebec television lacks imagination, is too grounded in reality and that we sometimes get the impression that most series are written by social workers.

where is the fantasy The wonderful? The dream ?

To fill this gap, I propose the first 100% Quebec superhero series: The Adventures of Super Fitzgibbon!

An angel descended from heaven

The story begins in 2018.

To get Québec back on track and back on the greenfields of prosperity, future Prime Minister François Legault is looking for a strongman who can weather the worst of the economic storm.

“Quebec history is full of larger than life characters,” sighs the prime minister during a pilgrimage to Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré. Louis Cyr! The great Antonio! Alexis the Trotter! Joe Montferrand! Little Beaver and Sky Low Low! Without forgetting the Hollywood Powders!

“Happy Saint Anne, Quebec needs you! Send us another guardian angel! »

But who turns up two days later in the office of the CAQ boss, surrounded by a halo of light?

Great Fitzgibbon!

The fool of the economy!

“But… But this is Fatima’s third secret!” to call out François Legault before he falls to his knees.


Impressed by Justin Trudeau’s ability to withstand rebukes from the federal government’s ethics commissioner?

pffft! Given the group shots Super Fitzgibbon took, it’s a small beer!

In fact, our strongman in business is on his sixth ethics investigation and still hasn’t flinched!

Better: he demands more!

“It’s my sixth and there are more to come! he exclaimed quite proudly on December 9th.

“Wow! Quebec is lucky to have a man as capable as Pierre Fitzgibbon,” said François Legault, his eyes shining.

Not only does the code of ethics not apply to Super Fitzgibbon, but the beaupré giant of Quebec’s economy is so strong, he’s reached such a level of competency, he doesn’t need to appeal to offer lavish contracts!

Since 2018, more than $17 billion in orders have been awarded by Super Fitzgibbon!

What do you want, this is to be a superhero! The rules that regulate the behavior of mere mortals do not apply to us!

Do you think Poseidon needs to fill out a form to trigger a tidal wave?


To consider that there are journalists who criticize some of his decisions!

As if earthlings could converse familiarly with the denizens of Olympus!

Let’s not mix earth and sky!

Don’t the chroniclers know that the economy is above everything?

That it is the force that holds the universe together?

That it is the sun around which all other areas of activity revolve? Immigration? Education? Language ? The environment ?

And even health?

I will do that with my series.

Give Quebecers a taste of the wonder. Magic.

Reconcile them to the Holy.

Through the fantastic adventures of Super Fitzgibbon!

Houellebecq slips


In an interview with philosopher Michel Onfray, writer Michel Houellebecq said the French were fed up with being robbed and attacked “by Muslims”.

If the author of Submission attacks the Islamists, I support him.

We must be persistent against the Islamofascists and their allies.

But if he’s implying that all Muslims are thieves, I’m sorry, but then I’ll start…

It’s as stupid as saying, “All men are toxic,” “All whites are racists,” or “All Catholics are pedophiles.”

Balls against balls?


Photo agency QMI, Joêl Lemay

Like many Montrealers, I welcomed the appointment of Fady Dagher as head of the SPVM with some concern.

Indeed, the former Longueuil police chief has been recognized as a great advocate of community policing. Well, it’s all well and good playing ball in the parks with young people, but the situation in Montreal calls for a more drastic remedy.

This week, however, Mr Dagher said he was tightening the screw and would not hesitate to use repression to reduce the shootings. Good news !

As for his daughter’s pranks, what do you want, just as children are not responsible for their parents’ nonsense, parents are not responsible for their children’s nonsense …

good news for the panties!

In France, the mayor of the small town of Pantin decided (without his decision being approved by the municipal council) to feminize the name of his municipality for a year.

For him, this is proof that his administration takes gender equality seriously.

The residents of this city who have been victims of domestic violence are overjoyed! After all, they are not beaten at pantine, but at pantine!

Fantastic, isn’t it?

As long as you do that, why not say “a punch” instead of “a punch”? Seems to hurt me less…

Who is Gaston Miron