The American family who turned an old voucher into a

The American family who turned an old voucher into a free ticket to Universal Studios

Carolyn Kramer traveled to Universal Studios with her husband and children three decades after her last visit to the theme park. The family from Bel Air, California, USA, drove to the famous tourist attraction using a saved coupon, not realizing that it would give them free entry to the place. Learn about the unusual history of the American family.

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American family travels to Universal Studios with an old coupon

Daniel, one of the children, told the American media NBC that when did it all begin? Kramer family decided to make the trip there Universal Studios in 1990. At that time they lived in Los Gatos, Californiaand decided to head south of the state toward the city The angel. He was 7 years old on the trip and they visited the amusement park with his 3-year-old sister.

At the time of entering Universal Studios They discovered that the attraction was closed and a rainy season was beginning The angel. This ruined the vacation they had wanted.

“We couldn’t even escape the rain,” Carolyn remembers. “I went to customer service and said, 'We've been planning this trip for a long time and are very disappointed that Universal is closing the shows,'” he said.

As they approached the customer service booth, Carolyn, Daniel and their children received a lifetime voucher for two adults and two children. “They said it would take the rest of our lives,” he said.

A ticket he kept without knowing he could use it one day.

The American family who turned an old voucher into aThe voucher that gave Carolyn and her family access to Universal Studios was issued 34 years ago. Photo: NBC

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Universal Studios accepts Old American Family Vouchers

In 2024, Daniel, who was 7 years old in 1990, is now married and has two children. When her daughter Isabella turned two, Kramer family started planning another trip to Universal Studios. Then Carolyn remembered the old voucher.

“I just kept it in my papers all these years because I was determined to do it if I ever came back if I could use it,” Carolyn said.

On the way to the amusement park, the Kramer family spent about an hour on the phone with representatives Universal and they confirmed that they could use the 34 year voucher.

“I thought, 'There's no way they're going to accept this,'” Daniel said. “It was just a handwritten piece of paper!” he explained NBC Los Angeles.

Luckily for the Kramer family, that trip was over Universal Studios in 2024 was more pleasant than in 1990, with lots of sun and not a drop of rain.

Carolyn Kramer He said it was “great” that Universal Studios allowed them to use the voucher issued decades ago to spend quality time with their young grandchildren.

“I don’t mind carrying a child or waiting,” she explained. “When I go to the park, the best thing is being with the kids and seeing them having fun.”

1709046395 72 The American family who turned an old voucher into aDaniel, Carolyn's son, explained that it all happened when he wanted to celebrate his daughter Isabella's anniversary. Photo: NBC