A courted clientele –

The attraction of English-speaking universities | –

With 25% of Quebec’s student body, the three English-speaking universities attract 38% of international students. How can we explain this difference, seen by some as a threat to the future of the French language and by others as a cause of financial imbalance?

Posted at 5:00 am.


1. Language

One of the first factors is of course language. English has become the international language of education. Result: The recruitment pool of English-speaking universities is much larger than that of French-speaking universities.

The most striking example is China. This country sends a very large contingent of students to Canada. The language of communication is usually English. As a result, McGill had more than 6,000 Chinese students last year and the University of Montreal only 434.

“Our recruitment pool is smaller than at McGill and Concordia,” explains the rector of the University of Montreal (UdeM), Daniel Jutras. This is purely factual. We recruit French-speaking students or students with French language skills. English-speaking universities have an advantage. »

2. Rejection rates in Ottawa

Another reason that explains this advantage of English-speaking universities is the country of origin of the students.

French-speaking universities recruit many people from French-speaking African countries. However, the refusal rates of these foreign students are significantly higher than those of students from other countries; For example, those from Asia and the United States received their study permits in 2022 at a rate of 55%.

In comparison, 72% of study permit applications submitted by African students were rejected by Ottawa in 2022, according to a study by the Institut du Québec.

One of the main reasons cited by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is the fact that many candidates cannot prove that they will return to their country at the end of their studies. However, the federal government recognized the existence of discrimination

“The percentage of students who end up going through all stages of the process and coming to campus is still too low,” says Yan Cimon, director of international affairs and Francophonie at the University of Laval.

3. Prestige

One final factor speaks in favor of McGill University: prestige.

An article published this summer in the French daily Le Monde entitled “McGill University in Montreal, a golden exile in Quebec” illustrates the power of the reputation: “McGill, ‘what else?'” For the majority of the approximately 2,000 French enrolled It is almost obvious for students to choose the renowned English-speaking University of Quebec at the beginning of their studies. »

“International students are looking for the best city, the best university, the best program,” explains Stéphane Paquet, president and CEO of Montréal International. “The ranking of the universities is extremely important, but the quality of life in the cities is also extremely important. A hundred universities are fighting for this world. »

According to the QS World University Rankings 2024, McGill University is ranked 30th in the world and 2nd in Canada after the University of Toronto. The University of Montreal, which is also included in this ranking, is in 141st place.

In order to increase the number of international students, UdeM relies on French-speaking countries, but also on Latin America.

“The University of Montreal is well-known in Latin America,” explains Rector Daniel Jutras. We have more Brazilian students than Belgian students. I think we could actually turn our attention to this area of ​​the world. »