1683343108 The Ayuso PP ignored a victim of gender based violence who

The Ayuso PP ignored a victim of gender-based violence who asked five times for her attacker to be expelled

The Ayuso PP ignored a victim of gender based violence who

Last year, the People’s Party of Madrid neglected a young gender-segregated affiliate who, according to party sources, went to Genoa headquarters five times to demand the expulsion of their attacker and ex-partner Daniel Marbán, who was firmly convicted of molestation in COUNTRY. Despite his repeated pleas, President Isabel Díaz’s team honored Ayuso Marbán in June, adding him to an internal panel, and again last month by including him in their list of candidates for MPs in the 28-M regional elections recorded number 110. Only Marbán resigned from that latest position after ABC announced the verdict on Thursday. Although it was a non-seating position, her acceptance was seen as an acknowledgment of the future options of young Marbán, who was president of Nuevas Generaciones in Madrid’s Villaverde neighborhood and is, outside the party, president of the Rotaract club in Madrid. , an international organization that brings together young people with leadership qualities.

The Conservative Party’s internal regulations provide for sanctions for those convicted and an outright rejection of violence, but this case calls into question the Ayuso PP’s commitment to gender-based violence when it affects members of the organization.

The victim went to the PP’s Committee for Rights and Guarantees in Madrid after the first-instance conviction in January last year, PP sources with knowledge of the case said. She hoped that the party would act because both victims and attackers met in the same circles of the New Generations of Madrid and she suffered psychological consequences.

He contributed to the ruling of Madrid’s Violence Against Women Court No. 5, which sentenced Marbán to 10 days of permanent confinement for a minor offense of harassment. He also provided the party with an early morning audio of the events on August 30, 2021, and this recording was heard by a member of the Rights and Safeguards Committee. The victim took Marbán in because he entered the house where she lived with a violent attitude. “You’re a fucking piece of human, son of a bitch, asshole, disgusting.” She begged him, “Daniel, please no.” Objects he had thrown on the ground and the screams of the victim can be heard in the background.

Despite being aware of Marbán’s legal problems, the PP Madrid refused to sanction him, claiming that the case had been challenged by both parties in the provincial court. Marbán asked for his acquittal and the victim wanted an injunction to extend the sentence. According to sources consulted, while this second order was being formed, she made several trips to Genoa to keep her case alive.

However, Marbán’s luck was not as expected. He was promoted in June last year, a month after Ayuso took the reins of the PP in Madrid. They placed him on a committee of 12 members, the PP Madrid Citizen Service Body, which takes complaints, complaints or suggestions.

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“Expired” file

In January this year, after the provincial court had dismissed the appeals and the verdict was final, the victim returned to Genoa hoping that the party could now settle his claim. He called for the expulsion of the attacker on the basis of the statutes of the PP, which provide for this sanction as possible for those convicted of a premeditated crime that, by its nature or the circumstances in which it was committed, is incompatible with the established one Ethics is considered duties and obligations in the statutes.

However, a member of the Rights and Safeguards Committee informed him that they could not do anything about Marbán as the case was “expired”. Apparently they were referring to the fact that the file was from the period when the Madrid PP was led by a casadista, Pío García Escudero, and thus before the start of the Ayuso era in May, after the president’s victory in internal elections.

A spokeswoman for the PP in Madrid denies that the victim was neglected. He tells this newspaper that the Rights and Guarantees Committee dealt with the pending sanctions files from before Ayuso’s election and that Marbáns is “out of date”. The spokeswoman adds that they have contacted the victim to raise the matter and she stated that both parties have appealed. “Because it is a court case, it was not possible to intervene,” says the spokeswoman. “The committee made themselves available to her, but she did not contact them after the verdict was handed down and the case was not reactivated.”

The PP sources consulted deny that the victim did not take care of the case and claim that it was she who took the initiative, evading herself on several occasions and eventually denying her request.

This newspaper has tried to find out if the party will expel Marbán or remove him from the Citizen Service, but the spokesman avoided answering. Marbán has also not responded to various attempts to find out about his situation. After the publication of his ABC news, he deleted his social networks.

The statutes of the PP do not provide for an automatic disqualification in the event of a conviction. This sanction must be evaluated by the relevant Committee of Rights and Guarantees in each region. The PP’s Code of Ethics and Conduct includes, among its general principles, the prohibition of conduct that promotes hostility, discrimination, violence or the glorification of criminal activity. In addition, this Code states that “the Party will not tolerate any form of violence, harassment, abuse or other conduct that tends to violate privacy rights.” It adds that “the organization will promote measures to prevent such behavior and to ensure an environment of respect and equality at all times.”

Do you have more information? Contact the author at [email protected] or via Twitter at @FernandoPeinado

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