1660844294 The best way to wash kitchen towels no more bad

The best way to wash kitchen towels: no more bad smells CheCucino.it

If kitchen towels are not washed properly, they can emit a bad smell: the method to clean them better and avoid that nauseous smell that spreads in our kitchen

method of washing kitchen towels no more bad smellsTea towels (Photo by stephan siedler-EyeEm from Adobe Stock)


It is said (and it is true) that there are several bacteria and germs in one tea towel from the kitchen and on the sink and in the toilet. This is what happens when we don’t pay attention to cleanliness dishtowels They end up giving off a very unpleasant smell.

They’re filled with oil, grease and even bacteria and unless they’re washed thoroughly using these methods that we’re about to list, they can inhale a bad smell in the kitchen, and it’s not exactly the best. When we have guests we risk making a terrible impression, but also just for us and our family we need to wash them as best we can. dishtowels from the kitchen.

So let’s look at all the alternative methods to regular washing-up liquid or washing-up liquid that we usually absent-mindedly wash those essential utensils in the stovetop and in our kitchen.

Three foolproof ways to wash kitchen towels

So we have to follow one of them three methods to carefully clean the tea towels we use to dry our hands in the kitchen or to avoid burning our hands with a saucepan.


method of washing kitchen towels no more bad smellsWhite Vinegar (Photo by Michelle from Adobe Stock)

The first method is that ofwhite wine vinegar. Here’s how to do it: Place a pot of water on the stove to boil and add a full bottle of vinegar.

Place the tea towels in the pot and let them soak for two or three hours. Rinse with plenty of water, then squeeze well and allow to air dry.

The second remedy for the bad smell is to always take a pot with you to boil the water. When it boils we can turn off the heat and pour the water into a basin.

Then we dive in kitchen towels and let it soak with some detergent. Let them soak for a few hours, rinse and squeeze well dishtowels and then we let them dry outside.

The third and final method is to use dishwasher. Since washing at very high temperatures helps with disinfection, we put the kitchen towels in the dishwasher so that the device does not clog and run a short program.

method of washing kitchen towels no more bad smellsBoiling pot of water (photo by Kirill Gorlov from Adobe Stock)

So when the program is done, we’ll take those out dishtowels We squeeze them well and put them in the air to dry. With these three remedies, we have ours kitchen towels always clean and fragrant.