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The bidet, the cell and the Xbox – La Press

The marital worries in “If We Still Loved” are no longer limited to the five rather simple dualities of the therapist Louise Sigouin, but to three everyday objects that suppress desires and drown out romance.

Posted at 12:48 am. Updated at 06:00.


Check out the bidet, cell phone and Xbox of discord.

Two of the four couples that TVA’s docu-reality follows slowly crumble before our eyes for video game stakes, yes, yes. Hello teenagers. First there is 43-year-old Lee, who takes refuge in his bachelor house to play Xbox with his son-in-law, who is housed in a different room but connected to the same console. The Art of Escape 101.

The two boys communicate with each other via headphones while Janie, 40, cooks all the meals upstairs. Almost like a 1950s bride à la Papa’s Right.

Dinner’s ready, Janie announces over a CB cell phone, so Lee and his hat come over and deign to eat with her. Mouain, not right away, I had dinner late, Lee replies. Janie docilely wraps the dinner in plastic wrap and puts it away. Seriously, Lee would go under the table at Casa Dumas. Imposed intermittent fasting!

For Emmanuelle, 34, and Jérémie, 28, video games are the symptom of even more acute marital problems, would observe someone who is not a doctor but does surgery. There are five children in the apartment – and a sixth on the way – and Jeremy sinks onto the sofa and groans and taps his PlayStation controller.

In our living rooms we scream: “Who actually does all the housework?” Emmanuelle, Cibole. And the more Emmanuelle complains to her husband about it, the further Jérémie hides, far away in his cave. It is hopeless.

The Reno Love saga surrounding the bidet, renamed the “ass toilet” by 50-year-old accountant Nathalie, was shelved this week, and it’s unsettling not to know the outcome. It’s the very patient chef Pierre, 56, who wants to improve the bowl with a jet of cleaning. Nathalie, as we understand, is against it as if her life is dependent/co-dependent according to her current duality.

The bidet the cell and the Xbox La Press


Natalie and Pierre

But thank God the tension between Nathalie and Pierre in Louise Sigouin’s office abated drastically. It was extremely uncomfortable to see Nathalie blaming poor Pierre for anything and everything, including his sexual frustrations over the past 32 years.

A first-time couple left the TVA documentary this week: Yves, 63, and Diane, 59. Herr lamented that the frequency of four sexual relationships a week didn’t meet his primary needs. Yves and Diane have agreed to continue their therapy without a camera and without the sensual massage duties imposed by Louise.

On “The Island of Love” the four new singles have names that couldn’t be more realistic. Meet Dafney, a 21-year-old tanner, Mahyka, a determined 23-year-old woman, Valentina, a 21-year-old Colombian bombshell, and Aurélie, a 26-year-old polyglot. Dafney, Mahyka, Skye, Bianka, Enya or Destiny, you could swear their parents named them after a future career at OD.

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The four new singles from The Island of Love

In Las Terranas, good Gabriele, who has the word “integrity” tattooed on his right shin, says he’s “really withdrawn” between sips of Simply Spiked lemonade. Hugo’s patio door stays “open, but with a creak”.

Abandoned by the likable Raphael, Destiny was “mad” and “confused,” and she “really would have taken it better” if she’d been told the truth. Nevertheless, Destiny, who “shakes live in front of Raphaël”, is “grateful” that Gabriele saved her from leaving. Because Gabriele, you have to give her that, felt it immediately in Destiny: “His feelings are very sensitive. »

His split with Raphaël still hurt Destiny: “Because we said to each other that we have priority. It seems clear to me.

Now Bianka has revealed her feelings to the mustachioed Cédric “on paper, in black and white”. As we say in the Dominican Republic, “Bi a Catch still feels strong to Ced.” Feelings that are “completely valid,” how else could they be called “moving forward,” right?

The staging of L’île de l’amour played a nice trick on our beautiful Bianka by sending the sneering Tristan into her paws, for he looks “a bit like Ced’s Siamese brother but with the armadillo sleeve on the other side”, laughed Hugo and Raphaël in the confessional.

While the guy is “amazing,” Bianka didn’t have an “emotional peak” for Tristan.

The same 26-year-old Tristan also said, “If I had an animal, it would be a dog,” and he wraps all of the cliche reality TV jobs of bartender, trainer, and construction worker into one muscular person.

In addition, Tristan “never gives up”. It is tattooed in Chinese characters on his right pectoral muscle. It sure is true.