The biological threat will remain in 2024 Cuban workers

The biological threat will remain in 2024 Cuban workers

In the new year, one threat remains and it is the continuation of United States research into the development of new biological weapons, carried out in laboratories on every continent and with extensive financial support.

foto 1 xornal21Humanity must put an end to this danger. Photo: Xomal 21

A journalistic statement from the Prensa Latina agency in Moscow on December 23 stated that “Russia will retain part of the group's funding imposed by the United States in the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW),” it was reported. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman María Zajárova told the press

“We will withhold part of the contribution intended to finance the illegitimate research group imposed by the United States and its satellites, which carries out illegal activities for the benefit of the West,” he stressed.

In March of this year, the secretary of the Russian Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev, warned of US biological activities on Ukrainian territory, according to the TASS agency.

“There is irrefutable evidence of Washington's large-scale biological actions in Ukraine, as well as the involvement of American elites in these processes,” he said.

Countries become testing grounds

Russian authorities have already reported records of infection outbreaks in the Ternopol, Odessa, Kharkiv and Nikolayev areas, near the institutes where pathogens such as hemorrhagic fever, cholera, swine flu, hepatitis A and botulism were studied.

“Not only Ukraine has become a testing ground for biological weapons, other countries such as Georgia and Moldova are also in the crosshairs of the United States,” Patrushev said.

foto2portalThe protective measures will be useless. Photo: Portal Alba

When it comes to the deadliest weapons against life as a whole, experts say biological weapons are one of the most frightening.

The destructive potential of these weapons led international organizations, including the United Nations, to create regulatory mechanisms and agreements to prevent their use and proliferation, but not their ban and certainly not their production.

US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. pointed out that the Pentagon invested a lot of money in this regard in 2001, but that “we have biological laboratories in Ukraine because we develop biological weapons,” he said in an interview with Commentator Tucker Carlson.

Not only does it evolve them, but they also use them against “enemies”.

Under the pretext of public health problems on the African continent, the Pentagon is carrying out its own project to monitor the biological situation, collecting and exporting samples of infectious agents and their vectors. It is known that the US military is tasked with monitoring the biological situation in Iraq and Afghanistan, countries bordering China, Turkey, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

The Fort Detrick base is considered the main camp for biological weapons research and development activities that were later used in nations deemed “enemy” or as a false flag operation by Washington.

In Latin America, the existence of biological laboratories for the production of pathogens is repeatedly denounced. US-run and funded biolabs in countries like Brazil, Guatemala, Panama. Honduras, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Haiti and Guyana.

Its existence threatens the region's sovereign decision to declare an area free of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction. And so that's being extended to biological weapons.

foto3The investigations. Photo: AFP

Last November Russia submitted a proposal to investigate irregular activities of US biological laboratories in Ukraine to develop biological weapons. However, the project is did not receive the support of nine of the 15 members the Security Council, which is why it was rejected.

The threat will remain unless radical action is taken to stop the research and production of these deadly weapons.

Five days after the denunciation, on December 28, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, in response to the US Defense Secretary calling Russia an enemy, said: “If so, we are prepared for any development of events; “Several times they tried to conquer us, to subjugate us.”

This was how tensions were already three days into the new year.