The Bloodstained Toga

The Bloodstained Toga

The developments surrounding judicial activism and legislative interference are not news to anyone. I actually wrote about this in a previous article. However, the STF always seems to surprise us negatively. Minister Rosa Weber has released the PSOL action, which could decriminalize abortions up to 12 weeks, for negotiation. The analysis was scheduled for next Friday, September 22, in the court’s virtual plenary session, where ministers vote and there is no discussion.

It is sad to see that in addition to the abuse of power, the judiciary paves the way for the killing of children in the womb. In the third month of pregnancy, the child is already fully formed, has fingerprints, a brain, and its heart beats and moves, albeit involuntarily. What is the difference between us and her? Just time and nutrition.

I do not believe that the incessant desire for the death of the weakest and most defenseless is just the result of discussions about public policy. The spiritual plane governs the physical world and this demonic agenda would be no different. The Gospel of Matthew tells how King Herod ordered a massacre of children in Bethlehem, the main target of which was Jesus Christ. History repeats itself and mass massacres are expected all over the world.

It is sad to see that in addition to the abuse of power, the judiciary paves the way for the killing of children in the womb

In Colombia, the Constitutional Court has decriminalized abortion up to six months of life. Argentina, Cuba, Guyana, Mexico and Uruguay are other countries that have also made life interruptions more flexible. In Europe, eugenicists are allowing babies diagnosed with Down syndrome to be decimated. We cannot accept that Brazil, where the majority of the population is Christian and is against this absurdity, is just another name added to this list.

Our fight must focus on giving children the right to housing, health, safety, food and education. Work so that they are not abandoned by their fathers and mothers. However, without life there is no further subsequent right.

My Aurora is exactly three months old today and we would never consider ending her life. She is not an extension of my wife’s body and it’s crazy to have to prove that by saying there are two hearts, four legs, etc. One day a woman tried to persuade my grandmother to have an abortion, arguing that she was too young and didn’t have the financial means to afford it. If “Dona Basília” had listened, my mother would not exist today and therefore me, my sisters and my daughter would not exist. Have you ever imagined the magnitude of the “butterfly effect”? It is very easy and contradictory to support abortion after birth.

A stroke of a pen cannot turn women’s wombs, their living space, into a graveyard. The real genocidal people are those who want to condone this bloodbath. I will never give up on this agenda, which is not only political but also human. Not even the worst criminal is legally punished with death in Brazil, as is the case with babies.

Finally, I ask Christians in particular that, as this progresses, we take to the streets together. Today there are several movements that provide not only psychological but also financial support to those who are thinking about having an abortion or have already had one. Not to mention the work of responsible churches that are always ready to welcome and care for people in vulnerable situations. As long as I have breath, life will always be defended. ADPF 442 no!