1699063964 The BNG is demanding that the PSOE provide financial compensation

The BNG is demanding that the PSOE provide financial compensation for Galicia “analogous” to that of Catalonia

The BNG is demanding that the PSOE provide financial compensation

The BNG leadership, in agreement with the PSOE, gave the green light this Friday for its only deputy in Congress, Néstor Rego, to support the inauguration of Pedro Sánchez. The pact, which still needs to be clarified in some details, includes the Socialists’ commitment that Galicia will receive “compensation analogous” to any debt relief or relief granted to Catalonia or other autonomous communities affiliated to the Autonomous Liquidity Fund (FLA). becomes. The negotiating teams of both parties have not specified what this compensation will be, since Galicia has never resorted to the FLA for financing, nor does it maintain the level of debt of other territories to the state. But bloc sources assure that they will be measures that guarantee non-discrimination against other autonomies.

The agreement, which coincides with the elections in Galicia scheduled for a few months, includes five new courts specializing in gender-based violence, based in Pontevedra, Santiago, Ferrol, Lugo and Ourense, as well as the creation of a local train service. with the opening of the lines between Vigo and Pontevedra and between A Coruña and Ferrol during this term. The PSOE also undertakes to require the government to reactivate the transfer to the Xunta of the powers contained in the Statute of Autonomy, which remain in the hands of the State, a process that has been paralyzed since the PP regained power in Galicia in 2009 If de Sánchez moves forward, the Xunta-central government joint commission dealing with these transfers will meet before the end of the year and draw up a calendar.

Other points of the agreement include ensuring that returned Galician emigrants are not subject to double taxation on their pensions, restoring pre-pandemic rail frequencies, advancing the Atlantic Freight Corridor and increasing discounts on AP toll highways to 75% -9 and AP-53 for Drivers who use them frequently. In the case of the AP-9, which connects the entire Atlantic strip of the municipality from north to south, the pact between the BNG and the PSOE provides for the handover to the Xunta, an issue that has been discussed for years despite the support of all parties in Galicia House of Representatives blocked by socialists and representatives of the people.

After the extraordinary meeting of the BNG board in which the agreement was given the green light, Rego pointed out that it was not a budget or legislative pact. At the same time that the Nationalists were approving the outcome of their negotiations with the Socialists, the president of the Xunta, the popular Alfonso Rueda, urgently met with his government to express his rejection of the PSOE concessions to the ERC and to try to complete the investiture Sanchez.

Rueda has made an institutional statement in which, without mentioning the compensation agreed by the Galician nationalists, he criticized the “heartache” that, in his opinion, means for Galicia that Catalonia will be forgiven 15,000 million euros of debt. Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s successor at the head of the Galician government has called for the presidential conference to be convened. “What will be done is to distribute the debts accumulated by a single community among all Spaniards,” he assured. “There will be an additional charge of more than 400 euros [por cada gallego] a guilt that is not ours.” The leader of the bloc, Ana Pontón, disgraced Rueda for appearing “angry” at the “dicta of Genoa” and asked him “to follow the measures he has taken in “It has reached an agreement with the PSOE not to put a stop to its plans.”

Just a few months before the first regional elections are scheduled, in which the PP will compete without Feijóo as the main protagonist, the socialist presidential candidate of the Xunta, José Ramón Gómez Besteiro, has stressed that the agreement with the BNG “goes further than that.” Arithmetic must be done receive an investiture.” The socialist reiterates that this is only a “first part” of his party’s commitment “for and for Galicia”.

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