1709220291 The British royal family is in crisis and with no

The British royal family is in crisis and with no clear driver between illnesses and rumors

The plug

February 28, 2024, 9:27 p.m

The British royal family is in crisis and with noPortal

The images of the memorial ceremony for King Constantine of Greece, in exile in London and cousin of the British royal family, showed how much the House of Windsor is now a wasteland without any concrete motivation.

By: Clarin

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While European royalty were in attendance and the entire Greek royal family was on display at St. George's Church in Windsor, King Charles departed for Clarence House a few minutes early. His cancer treatment and resulting immunity do not allow him to socialize.

Prince William, his son and heir to the throne, left the world in amazement when he called the Greek royal family 45 minutes earlier to inform them that for “personal reasons” he could not attend the honoring of his beloved godfather, the Greek king. The corresponding reading would be read by Pavlos, heir to the throne of Greece.

The reasons for the absence of the heir to the British throne and Prince of Wales were never reported. Although the palace insisted that Kate, the future queen, who recently underwent abdominal surgery, further details of which are unknown, is “doing well.”

The royal silence only suggests that Kate is much sicker than is reported in official statements and that the king's cancer is delicate. However, there is no official information, but dozens of delicate versions.

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