The bromance between Christian Dube and Gaetan Barrette

The bromance between Christian Dubé and Gaétan Barrette

Remember when you were little that not very popular guy who wanted to be your friend?

Every day he was waiting for you on the street corner to take you to school.

And every day after you finished your bowl of honeycomb, you said to yourself, “I hope he’s not here today,” because you didn’t want to be seen with him.


Well, that’s how Christian Dubé must be feeling when he sees Gaétan Barrette congratulating him on his healthcare reform on TV.

He has to say to himself, “Ah, no, not him yet… With friends like that, you don’t need enemies!” »

But what do you want, former Minister Barrette loves Christian Dubé’s reform! He adores her! He finds her brave! Useful ! Tied well! And he wants everyone to know!

You can’t stop a heart from loving, right?

Of course, it shouldn’t be funny to be kissed on the cheek by Mr. Centralization when your government has been criticizing the ravages of centralization for years.

But like my mom says, you don’t always choose your friends…

Monsieur Barrette loves Monsieur Dubé! He finds that he is following in his footsteps, that he is his dolphin, his spiritual son, that he is finishing his work!

He waits for her on the street corner every day to walk by her side and tell her good radiologist jokes!

It’s cute, isn’t it?

This bipartisan friendship?

That bond that unites the sinner and the savior?

The plague victim and the healer?

Voldemort and Harry Potter?


“We will shake the pillars of the temple,” Samson Dubé said emphatically a few days before unveiling his reform, which should not be called “reform” because the word “reform” has a bad reputation.

Translation: Unions and professional associations better hang up their hats with brooches, because the wind will be strong!

We’re going to turn some sacred cows into tartare!

However, there is often a difference of several degrees between the weather forecast and reality.

As the philosopher Ti-Guy La Lune said, “War, war, is no reason to hurt yourself”.

Watch what happens in Sheriff Eric Cairo’s yard.

The government was supposed to save us millions of dollars by launching our data into the clouds, but officials sat back and folded their arms, and the government had to bow its head and postpone its three-year plan.

Do you really think that Mr. Legault, who loves to be loved so much, will alienate unions and corporations and agree to play the villain role?

Allow me to be skeptical…

But who knows? The Barrette-Dubé couple’s reform may well go down well with the temple guardians…


Otherwise it will be the fight of the decade.

In the right corner Christian Dubé. In the left corner the guardians of the temple.

And just behind the health minister, Gaétan Barrette stood on a chair and shouted: “Awèye! Knock, Christian! BEAT! »

stronger than ever