The Canadian solves all our problems

The Canadian solves all our problems

Things are not going well in the world, but the Canadian is making progress.

People are shooting at each other in Israel and Ukraine. But Kaiden Guhle has a bright future.

People line up at food banks because food is too expensive. But Brendan Gallagher is revived.

It turns out that there are even homeless people in Baie-Saint-Paul, so many that the housing crisis is hitting them hard. But Joshua Roy fills the gate in Laval.

Adults with high school diplomas can teach our children so much that there is a teacher shortage. But Juraj Slakovsky scored a goal.

Our nurses have to sleep standing up to be there for everyone. But Lane Hutson is dominating in the NCAA.

Our justice system releases bandits because the procedures are too long. But Jake Allen is all fired up.

Our elders must pray to God to allow them to take bath in their homes. But Logan Mailloux is very promising.

The world divides and argues… without shame about everything: the environment, a tunnel, a tram, sexual identity, immigration, a vaccine… But Sean Monahan plays like a star.

In short, what is at least left? The CH is improving.

The only hope

For many fans, this is the only hope of keeping their spirits up despite this storm.

The Canadian is the only means to get out of the routine, worries, fears and bad things in life.

You have to believe in something to overcome obstacles in life. If this is less about religion, the Canadian is there for it.

People have to believe that the Canadian will be okay again.

I was standing in line for a great day last Sunday. I was already getting the Christmas train out for the children. It’s way too early, I know. But we’ve always done that.

And Le Journal published a column online about Juraj Slafkovsky that I wrote last week. And evil.

I wrote that Slafkovsky was the worst first-all pick in terms of offensive stats in the last 26 years. It’s simply a fact. Nothing more.

I didn’t write that it was lazy. I want it to become a machine. I pointed out that despite their successful careers, Joe Thornton and Owen Nolan also had difficult beginnings.

I received an avalanche of hate. I kind of expected it. But not to this extent.

The classes

At least someone compared me to the “big little guy from Classels”, but it’s still not that bad.

I tried to defend myself a little on social media. But there was nothing to do. I had already fished for them.

All of this allowed me to understand something even better.

Many fans simply don’t want to be stopped from believing and dreaming of a team that will win.

If I were a columnist in Minnesota and had written this article, it wouldn’t have caused so much anger.

But this is different. For these fans, we are not allowed to present a topic here if it is negative for CH. Even if it is factual. As if I were on the team.

And I can understand her. It’s true that the CH is still there. No matter what happens in our lives, if you’re a fan, CH is there.

Plus, the holiday season is just around the corner. People want fun, Christmas magic, gingerbread and hot chocolate. There is no need for a curmudgeon to say anything less magical about our team.

But at least the CH is improving.