The Capital Health Communication Center computer system is the victim

The Capital Health Communication Center computer system is the victim of a cyber attack –

The computer system of the Capitales Health Communication Center (CCSC) in Quebec fell victim to a ransomware attack.

According to the information received, the computer system that sends phone cards directly to the vehicles is not working.

Dispatchers and paramedics will likely have to live with the consequences of this attack for several more days.

The CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale confirmed the attack, while the Quebec Ambulance Technicians Cooperative (CTAQ) preferred not to comment.

The Capitale Health Communication Center (CCSC) computer system fell victim to a ransomware attack. The motives and origins of the attack remain to be determined.

The situation currently has no impact on the supply of the population. An emergency plan was quickly put in place, allowing paramedics and 911 to continue responding to calls and continuing their emergency services. As a preventive measure, a call for increased vigilance has been sent to the affected health workers,” replied Annie Ouellet, spokesperson for the CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale.

The IT teams of the CIUSSS and its partners are working hard to restore the situation. The time frame for a return to normality is currently unknown.

The effects are felt much more strongly when making 911 calls: for the work of paramedics, they are forced to resort to old methods of handwritten notes or communication via cell phone.

“It changes the dynamic,” a source simply confirmed, without wanting to go into details.

The RENIR system is not affected by this attack.

The CIUSSS reiterates that this will not affect the care of the population and that paramedics will intervene in an emergency.

Ransomware attacks:

Criminals typically access a network or device and encrypt data to make the system or data inaccessible to the user. Cybercriminals demand a ransom be paid before allowing the victim to decrypt their data and regain access to the network.

Various devices, from personal mobile devices (via malicious apps) to corporate networks, can be compromised in ransomware attacks. Attacks can vary in sophistication and compromise.

Here are the most common types of ransomware:

  • · Cryptoransomware is used to encrypt the user's files or data (making them inaccessible) until the user makes a payment to the scammer.
  • · Cryptolocker ransomware prevents the user from accessing their computer or electronic device until they pay the requested fee

Source: Canadian Anti-Fraud Center