The case of the Sikh independence activist killed in Canada

The case of the Sikh independence activist killed in Canada triggers a crisis between Ottawa and New Delhi: double…

He organized one referendum to create one in India Independent Sikh statebut he could not finish his fight: Hardeep Singh Nijjar He was beaten up by some people Shots In Canadaon June 18, 2023, in front of a Sikh cultural center in Surrey, about thirty kilometers east of Vancouver. A murder, that of Nijjar, that created a real event diplomatic case between Canada and India. In fact, the Ottawa government accused New Delhi of doing this responsible of murder and came to this conclusion expel a high-ranking Indian diplomat from the country. Measure to which India responded a few hours later in return, the expulsion of a high-ranking Canadian diplomat. In short, for New Delhi it would be inappropriate interference by foreign officials in India’s internal affairs, while Ottawa denounces what could be seen as a violation of Canadian sovereignty by the Indian government.

THE NIJJAR COMMITMENT AND THE KHALISTAN MOVEMENT – Nijar, 45 years old prominent member of the Sikh community, lived in Canada from that 1997. There he fought for them, including at public demonstrations Khalistanan independent Sikh state to be established in the Indian region Punjab, on the border with Pakistan. In this area, the Sikh believers actually represent the majority of the populationwhile in the rest of the country they form a minority of around 100,000 inhabitants 2% the citizen. There are about 25 million Sikhs in the rest of the world. For its subversive activities, India considered Nijjar “Terrorist” since 2020. She had even gone so far as to set one cut above his head and announces a monetary price for anyone who provided information that led to his arrest. New Delhi actually accused the man of being involved in one alleged attack on a Hindu priest in India.

What most worried the Indian government, however, was the unofficial referendum that Nijjar was fighting for. A battle that had already begun back thenIndian independenceafter Second World Warand continued over the decades: the most striking case in 1984When Murders of some of his representatives The Indian government responded Attack on the holiest Sikh templein an action that later brought in two Sikh bodyguards Then kill Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Today is the independence movement banned in the country and is perceived as Security threat National. At the beginning of 2023, for example, Khalistan separatists destroyed Indian consulates in London and San Francisco. However, the movement enjoys some support in northern India and in countries such as Canada and the United Kingdom, where many members of the community live. In Canada, where around one and a half million citizens of Indian origin live, the Sikh community is almost the only one 800,000 peoplei.e. 2% of the population: figures that Canada has to offer Country with the largest Sikh presence outside India.

THE TEMPLATES FROM CANADA – This is the background to the murder of Nijjar, which took place on June 18 in the parking lot of a Sikh temple in Surrey two hooded men. Given the Indian government’s position towards the Sikh community and the independence movement, the Canadian Prime Minister said Justin Trudeau considered the hypothesis credible Connection between New Delhi and the assassination of Nijjar, a hypothesis that would also be supported by such Intelligence reconstruction. Beyond that, it’s the same thing Lawyer from Nijjar stated that the Sikh leader was warned by Canadian intelligence that some mercenaries were preparing to assassinate him. And again it was the same World Sikh Organization of Canada to remember that “Nijjar had spoken openly about it Death threats received and it said a Target of the Indian secret service”.

In the Canadian Parliament, Trudeau said he had spoken to the Indian prime minister about the case Narendra Modiin a meeting that took place during the last summit of G20, which took place in New Delhi on September 9th and 10th. Trudeau reportedly told the Indian leader on that occasion that any involvement “in the…”Killing of a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil.” would have been unacceptable to ask him to do that too participate in investigations on the case. The Canadian foreign minister took a similar position at the time Melanie Joly: According to him, Indian involvement “would pose a serious problem.” Violation of our sovereignty and the most basic rules about how countries should behave among themselves.” Hence the decision to expel a senior Indian diplomat: It’s about that Pavan Kumar Rai, is considered to be the Director of Indian Intelligence in Canada. Joly also announced that he did brought the case to his G7 colleagues ahead of the United Nations General Assembly, which opened in New York on September 18th.

India’s allegations – On the other hand, that is Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs called the accusation Canadian “absurd and unmotivated” as India is a “democratic state with a strong”. Commitment to the rule of law”. Such accusations would also be a way to “divert attention from the Khalistani terrorists and extremists to whom they were offered.” Refuge in Canada”. Additionally, the State Department said it was concerned “about the….”Interference by Canadian diplomats in our internal affairs and their involvement in Anti-India Activities”. Hence the request to Ottawa, “quick and effective legal action against all anti-India elements operating on Canadian soil. This position is also shared by the largest opposition group Congress Party. At the G20 summit, Modi himself expressed “strong concerns” to his Canadian counterpart about Canada’s handling of the separatist movement and asked for Ottawa’s cooperation.

IS NO COUNTRY PROTECTED? – The Sikh independence activist’s case is likely to increase tensions between India and Canada. Tensions are already visiblebeginning of Septemberthan the Ottawa government Negotiations on a free trade agreement were suspended with New Delhi. At this point, it is possible that suspicion of Indian involvement in Nijjar’s assassination was behind this decision. However, there is a risk that similar cases will also affect other countries around the world. He was assassinated in Lahore, Pakistan, last May Paramjit Singh Panjwar, a man accused of terrorism by India. In June, the head of the Khalistan Liberation Force died in Birmingham, UK. Avtar Singh Khanda, possibly due to poisoning. And in mid-July another Sikh died in Canada, again in Surrey: that’s what it’s all about Ripudaman Sing Malik. In short, determining New Delhi’s responsibilities would mean that perhaps no country is safe from ambushes against Sikh believers. The greatest risk would be in the countries with the largest communities belonging to this denomination, i.e. H Great Britain, Canada And Australia. The fact is that Trudeau seems genuinely concerned, so much so that he even talks to him about the case Joe Biden And Rishi Sunak. Fears that they could also have infected people White House: The US government commented in a statement “deep concern” for the allegations made by Ottawa.