The case of Wendy Villalba Colombian appeared dead in the

The case of Wendy Villalba: Colombian appeared dead in the USA

Wendy Julieth Villalba Fuentes, a 24-year-old Colombian, died under mysterious circumstances USA. Originally from Santander, she traveled to North America in search of better job opportunities. However, she lost contact with her family on February 27 and was found dead a few days later in Houston, Texas. His family is demanding justice and help in repatriating his body.

Police reported that he died in one car accident, but his brother Wilmar Villalba suspects he may have died under different circumstances. His relatives were uncertain and therefore demanded clear information about the cause of death.

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How long ago was it and who did you travel to the US with?

Doesfour monthsWendy Julieth Villalba Fuentes went on a journey thereUSAtogether with a friend. Their destination: the home of relatives in this country. She found a job at a restaurant in townHouston. HeFebruary 22ndBefore she disappeared, she shared a video and two pictures of herself singing on her account.Facebook.

When was the last time Wendy spoke to her family?

Daily communication with her mother was a constant in Wendy's life. However, that is Tuesday, February 27thhis brotherWilmar VillalbaShe revealed to El Tiempo that it was the last time she spoke to her mother. Uncertainty grew when the young woman was missing for several hours. Her friend in the United States, concerned about her absence, reported her to the police and looked for her in various places.

People close to her mentioned that Wendy worked in the food sector in gastro bars before she left for the United States.Headboardand studied a technical career inUniversity of Santander.

What did Wendy Villalba's uncle say after the incident?

Carlos Leyva, the migrant's uncle-in-law, emphasizedvanguardthat the cause why Wendy Villalba lost her life is unknown. “We are unsure, the girl herself hasn't told us anything clear. Some say it was an accident, she was hit by a car, she was distracted and the car hit her; Others say it was on the beach. “No one can tell us what really happened to Wendy,” Carlos said.

The case of Wendy Villalba Colombian appeared dead in the On February 27, Wendy Villalba spoke to her mother for the last time. Photo: Wendy Villalbas Facebook

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What should Wendy Villalba's family expect if they return her body to Colombia?

According to Wilmar Villalba, the family of the deceased is working to repatriate her body and is facing high costs of about 36 million pesos. To deal with the situation, Users started a collection on social networks. Relatives residing in the US are in discussions with the consulate to expedite the process. Villalba, in statements to El Tiempo, asks for assistance in carrying out the repatriation and his funeral in Girón, Santander.

What did the US authorities say about the death of Wendy Villalba?

The authorities of the USA They attributed the death of the young woman from Santander to a traffic accident. They point out that his death was due to a traffic accident. However, the relatives of the deceased, who still do not know the exact circumstances of their death, have not confirmed this version.