The Chill Generation –

The “Chill” Generation –

All employers say it: young people have a strange relationship with the world of work.

Do you decide not to show up for work one morning?

They don’t show up. Without notifying her boss.

Take care of yourself, I have other, more important things to do.

Like watching Mister Robot on Netflix.


Well, it seems to be the same with CEGEP.

According to La Presse, which published a report on the issue yesterday, more and more CEGEP students are not showing up for their courses or are deciding to leave the course before the end.

Your reason?

“I have to go shopping.”

“I’m going to the spa.”

“I am tired.”

“I decided to take a trip with my mother.”

“I worked all summer and need to rest.”

They rarely say, “I have a shepherd’s pie on the clothesline.”

A philosophy teacher at the CEGEP in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu says: “Before, we would never have been able to announce something like that without shame. Well, it is said lightly, without the slightest embarrassment…”

In the past, if you were absent too often (without a good reason), it had consequences.

No longer. We want to be subtle, kind, understanding, compassionate, caring, forgiving, merciful, etc.

Result: The absenteeism rate has exploded.


And the worst part is that students who are often not in class expect to be accommodated if they deign to show up!

Let’s recap the courses we missed!

Yes indeed!

An apple wrap with it?


The La Presse journalist asked the president of the Quebec College Student Federation if we shouldn’t go back and punish students who miss too many classes.

“Especially not! She replied. Punishing absences is not a solution! We have to use the carrot, not the stick!”

What solution does she propose then?

(Sit down if you stand because you risk falling on your butt…)

“We need to increase financial support and provide psychosocial support.”


Psychosocial support.

So that the student finally finds the courage to get up and go to class.

But don’t say they are little rabbits, no!

Remember, in 2012, thousands of students took to the streets to make college free.

Imagine if that were the case…

“I decide not to go to my class? Pooh. In any case, it doesn’t cost me anything.

I will do another session next year. In another department and another university.

You need to relax, man!”

Fortunately, there are still young people who have hearts in their stomachs.

Still, as a generation, it’s something very special, thank you.


Are there really people who believe that the best way to solve the problem of chronic absenteeism is to stop penalizing students who are absent without good reason?


This is Caillou’s mother’s method…

“Oh, Caillou! You dusted the whole living room with flour! What a rascal! Come on, let me give you a cookie!”

Les eaux seront plus agitees pour le Canadien lan prochain