The chupacabras The mystery unfolds around a strange figure trapped

The chupacabras? The mystery unfolds around a strange figure trapped in a Texas zoo

The city of Amarillo, in Texas (United States), shared a mysterious capture that has become the center of countless theories because of its strange contents. The picture in question was captured by one of the local zoo’s security cameras, where you can see a hairy and elongated silhouette roam the area.

“That The Amarillo Zoo captured a strange picture outside the zoo in the early hours of May 21 (around 1:25am). Are you a person with a weird hat who likes to go for a night walk? A chupacabra? Any idea what this UAO could be (Unidentified yellow object)?” the city joked in the release, which included it in its official accounts.

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The reactions were quick. Some genuinely believe it could be a fantastical creature like the chupacabra, while others point out that it might just be a marketing ploy.

However, despite the humorous tone of the publication, local authorities claim that the material is true.

“It is important to note that this entity was located outside of the Amarillo Zoo. There were no signs that he wanted to enter the place,” he said. Michael Kashubah, Director of Parks and Recreation for the City of Amarillo. “No animal or individual was harmed. There was no sign of criminal activity or vandalism,” he added.

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The official added that the intention of the release is to entertain the community with a game on social networks, but the image has not been manipulated in any way.