The court decided in favor of Muschio Selvaggio, it belonged to Luis Sal, not Fedez

“The Milan court will decide on this Wild moss: It is from Luis Sal. Judge Amina Simonetti, by an order dated February 23rd, approved the request for judicial seizure of the shares of Doom srl (a company run by Annamaria Berrinzaghi, Fedez's mother) from Muschio Selvaggio srl, sponsored by the lawyer Nicolò Ferrarini, accepted in full Modena on behalf of Luisolve srl, a company owned by Luis Sal (co-founder of the Muschio Selvaggio podcast and co-author and co-host). The provision stipulated that Luis Sal's company had the right to take over Fedez's company shares, disempowering the latter in the management of the podcast. We read a statement from Luis Sal's press office.

The first steps of the story go back to June 2023: after a few episodes in which Luis Sal did not appear on the podcast, Fedez accused him of abandoning the project after a heated discussion, with a video entitled “What ended has Luis done.”, who claims to be continuing the project alone, despite having founded a company together a few weeks earlier in equal parts. Luis Sal responded with a video that immediately went viral – “Tell the mother, tell the lawyer ” – in which he told the public that he had to defend himself against the allegations and demands for damages made against him by Fedez's lawyers.

In November 2023, there were rumors from the weekly newspaper “Chi” about a business agreement with a confidentiality agreement between the two. The rumors were subsequently denied by both, especially by Fedez, who explained in a video published on the podcast channel: “When you have a 50 percent company, things are usually sorted out in front of a judge, or at least that is what adults do.” Do.”.

The ruling of February 23, as explained in more detail in the communication, represents one of the few judgments published in Italy on the functioning of the Legal clause “Russian Roulette”.contained in the statutes of Muschio Selvaggio srl, the company that publishes the podcast. The roulette clause is a clause from the American and English legal systems that stipulates that in the event of stagnation of a company (particularly in 50/50 companies), one of the two shareholders has the right to make an offer to buy the shares of the company. other partner. However, if he refuses, he must be the first to sell the shares. The mechanism was deliberately created to prevent unfair negotiations.

At the end of 2023, Fedez's company activated the clause by offering to buy the shares held by Luis' company, thus attempting to exclude him from the podcast. Luis' unexpected decision to officially refuse put him in the position of buyer of Fedez shares. However, faced with the fait accompli, Fedez refused to comply with the law (which he had also committed to do in the company's articles of association), disputed the validity of the clause and refused the sale. Luis was therefore forced to appeal to the court, which ruled in his favor.

Now, the statement says, it is Fedez's responsibility to decide whether he intends to comply with the court ruling and therefore sell his shares before a notary, or whether he will ignore the decision and thus force Luis Sal to do so would take legal action again to obtain a penalty that would force Fedez to sell his shares and thus (permanently) withdraw from running the podcast.

Fedez's answer

“The determination of the Milan court has not yet decided anything on the Muschelo-Selvaggio affair. With regard to the recent statement of the press office of Luis Sal, which appeared on various information sites, a correction is required regarding the decision of the Milan court on the shares “of the company Fedez”. Fedez's response to the Muschio-Selvaggio affair leaves will not be long in coming. “Contrary to what is stated in the notice, the Milan court – explains a press release – has not 'determined' that Doom's shares must be sold to Sal's company. The order issued is of a precautionary nature and provides for the Appointment of a custodian for the shares of the company Muschelo Selvaggio srl, owned by Doom. It is indeed important to emphasize that the procedure that will decide the matter has not yet begun.” ” The judge – we read further – determined, on the basis of a still summary assessment typical of the precautionary phase, that the custodian bank will manage the Doom shares in the interests of the company Muschelo Selvaggio srl and not in the interests of Luis.” Company Sal, as requested by him in his appointment. Consequently – he concludes – there has been no dismissal of Fedez from the direction of the podcast, contrary to what was stated in the statement issued this morning.

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