1694380824 The Cowboys Fringants cancel their visit to Gatineau – Le

The Cowboys Fringants cancel their visit to Gatineau – Le Droit

Gatineau venue management notified ticket holders via email.

“Given the singer’s treatment schedule, the group is forced to cancel the show,” one wrote. The group would like to thank ticket holders for their understanding and support.”

Most of the group’s fans are aware of singer Karl Tremblay’s health problems. The latter, who is fighting cancer, has to undergo treatments that force him to rest, which upsets the training schedule.

In recent months, the group has had to cancel several performances, including the two they were scheduled to give in Outaouais.

We will recall that last month they canceled their presence at the Petite-Nation en fête festival and were replaced by Robert Charlebois.

For the show scheduled in the Odyssée Hall of the Maison de la culture de Gatineau, ticket holders can receive a full refund, exchange them for another show, or have the value of their tickets on a card as a gift to buy at a later date.

Saint-Tite warmly welcomed the Cowboys Fringants on Saturday evening, especially singer Karl Tremblay.

In Saint Tite

The group also gave a much appreciated performance at the Saint-Tite Western Festival.

According to our colleagues at Le Nouvelliste, Saint-Tite gave the Cowboys Fringants a warm welcome on Saturday evening.