The Crown wants a child abductor declared a dangerous offender

The Crown wants a child abductor declared a dangerous offender –

The Crown sought on Tuesday to have Jean-Guy Vallières, a child abductor involved in the kidnapping of a 12-year-old girl in Sutton in September 2018, declared a dangerous offender.

• Also read: Estrie: Repeated child abductor declared dangerous perpetrator

• Also read: Repeat kidnapper: an unflattering portrait of Jean-Pierre Bellemare

A psychiatrist testified at the Granby courthouse that he could not ignore the risk Vallières would pose the day he was released from prison.

Five years ago, Jean-Guy Vallières and his accomplice Jean-Pierre Bellemare – declared a dangerous offender last year – kidnapped a young girl. Handcuffed and lying in a van, the young victim was taken to an unoccupied house before being locked in a closet to extort a ransom from his mother, a CIBC employee.

Luckily, the little girl took advantage of her captors’ absence to escape.

Jean-Guy Vallières is guilty of kidnapping, confiscation and extortion and has committed around forty robberies in the past.

Since 1982, the year he turned 18, he has been sentenced to five prison sentences, for a total of 42 years in prison.

He spent most of his adult life behind bars and re-offended after his release.

A forensic psychiatrist from the Philippe Pinel Institute conducted Vallières’ examination in 2021.

“According to the Hare Psychopathy Scale, the gentleman is a mixed case […]. His prognosis is rather bleak […]. “He shows little concern about the psychological consequences of his crimes,” explained Dr. Benoit Dassylva in court.

The public prosecutor wants the 59-year-old repeat offender to be declared a dangerous offender and sentenced to an indefinite prison term because no one is sure that the risk of reoffending decreases with increasing age.

Judge Julie Beauchesne must make a decision once the defense has called the defendant himself and his own expert witness.