1688543061 The day of the election campaign 23 J from July 4

The day of the election campaign 23-J from July 4 | Yolanda Díaz accuses Feijóo and Abascal of being ‘full of hate’

The day of the election campaign 23 J from July 4

Rufián says he’s “more scared of Díaz than Abascal,” which Errejón sees as “immense irresponsibility.”

The head of the ERC list for the Congress for Barcelona, ​​​​​​Gabriel Rufrián, was in Cuatro yesterday in the program Todo es Mentira de Risto Mejide, where he asked which of the two leaders he fears more, whether Santiago Abascal or Yolanda Díaz, the Republican leader, replied: “Yolanda Díaz scares me more than Abascal.” And he justified it: “Everyone knows what Abascal is.” On the other hand, Yolanda leaving people like Irene Montero in the ditch, only because they told her it would be better for her…”.

It is not the first time that the ERC spokesman in Congress has disparaged Yolanda Díaz’s Sumar platform, which he denounced last Monday as “voting for her is a white lie”. Therefore, in the Mejide program, he deepened his answer: “It must go well, the left must be brave, because we are marked from home, that is why I am more worried about the attitude of the left, progressivism than Spanish fascism that everyone knows what’s going on. Nevertheless, Rufián defended himself: “Every time I speak about Yolanda, I have to make it clear that I have no personal problem with her, that I respect her and say that she has been a great minister on several occasions; With the labor reform, bridges were broken, very ugly things happened that I can’t explain because it’s salsa, it doesn’t teach anything.”

When questioned about the matter by the leader of Más País and congressional candidate for Sumar, Íñigo Errejón, on the night of 25 Hora by Aimar Bretos on SER, he described Rufián’s criticism as “immense irresponsibility”. Errejón specified that it is Abascal who “scares LGTBI and racists, they have no doubt about it”, but also “Catalans and many ERC voters” because Abascal “poses a threat to Catalonia’s ability to make decisions in relation to “its language”. representation and culture”.

Therefore, the Sumar politician opined that “there is no point in getting carried away by personal philias and phobias”, and all the more so at a time when “one has to be very careful because many people are concerned about the rise of the extreme rights are concerned”. . “You have to be clear about who the threat is,” concluded Errejón.