The death of Andrea Purgatori and the false diagnosis hypothesis

The death of Andrea Purgatori and the false diagnosis hypothesis: the truth in the autopsy Today

The results of the autopsy of the body of Andrea Purgatori, the journalist who died in Rome on July 19, are eagerly awaited. The Forensic Medical Institute of the Tor Vergata Polyclinic will conduct the investigation, while the prosecutors investigating involuntary manslaughter have already put two doctors on the suspect register, following a complaint from family members. To see clearly, the coroner will also perform a CT scan of Purgatori’s body and seek further advice if needed.

The aim is to determine, at the request of family members, what caused Purgatori’s death within a few weeks and whether there were any errors in both the diagnosis and the treatments administered. According to family members, on April 24 the conductor of the Atlantis had gone to a private clinic for examinations because of exhaustion. However, the instrumental investigations had revealed unbalanced parameters and so a biopsy was also performed.

Then the consultation of another specialist structure, from which, however, the dramatic diagnosis arrived at the beginning of May: a type of cancer that had spread to different parts of the body, to the lungs and the brain. This was announced by one of the two doctors who ended up in the suspect register.

Therefore, massive radiation therapy was immediately ordered in a third clinic. The trials he undergoes come with elements of encouragement, but Purgatori continues to feel bad, and it only gets worse. In June he undergoes a CT scan at the first clinic he visited in April. According to family members in the complaint, it is unexpected: no traces of brain metastases, only traces of cerebral ischemia, as explained by Ansa and Adnkronos.

An image also confirmed by another MRI in a different structure. But Purgatori’s condition deteriorated. He is being treated as an inpatient in one of the capital’s polyclinics. There the first diagnosis for the family members is confirmed. Purgatori died a few days later.