Formula 1 2023 a long season

The desired rain in Montreal: To avoid another Sunday parade in Formula 1

Unfortunately, the unabashed dominance of the Red Bull team and the lack of overtaking maneuvers in the races have made Formula 1 very monotonous in 2023.

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In particular, the last four events on the calendar were really just Sunday parades, apart from some sporadic debates in the middle.

Formula 1 authorities may have imposed modifications to single-seaters last year to encourage on-track spectacle, but the opposite is happening. Drivers are finding it harder to follow and overtake each other this year.

In Miami, US television ratings fell 20% last month from a year earlier. And this downward trend has also manifested itself in several European countries.

It’s different in Montreal

In addition, the first of the six sprint races planned for this year in Baku did not have the expected effect. It’s as if the drivers didn’t dare take too much risk to save their cars for the next day’s main event.

In short, the ingredients of the miracle recipe have not yet been found.

On the other hand, the good news is that the Canadian Grand Prix, held at the Gilles-Villeneuve circuit on Sunday, is always busy there, especially due to the layout of the circuit.

The other factor that could spice up the race is the weather as the forecasts for the whole weekend are not very good.

These are certainly not ideal conditions to compete in a Grand Prix, but we’ve gotten to a point where we really want more talented riders in the rain to mess up the hierarchy.