The device promises a solution to erectile dysfunction in up

The device promises a solution to erectile dysfunction in up to two weeks Metrópoles

01/11/2023 2:31 p.m., updated 01/11/2023 2:33 p.m

A new hope for men with erectile dysfunction goes on sale in the UK next week. The device, called Vertica, emits radiofrequencylinked heat waves that increase blood flow, stimulate collagen fibers and regenerate penile tissue.

OhhMed Medical, the Israeli technology company responsible for Vertica, says that continuous use of the device restores vitality and strength to the penis through radiofrequencyinduced blood vessel dilation.

In addition to restoring function, the startup’s research team points out that erections would be prolonged unlike intermittentuse drugs like Viagra, which work over a predetermined period of time.

Studies conducted using the device show that nine out of 10 impotent men experienced an improvement in erectile function within two weeks of using the device, which goes on sale in the UK from next week.

A study conducted by the company in collaboration with Healthcare Campus in Haifa, Israel, found the use of Vertica to be 89% effective. The result was published in July this year in the International Journal of Impotence Research.

Twentyeight men aged between 41 and 78 years with mild or mild to moderate erectile dysfunction for two months were analyzed. Everyone used the device twice a week in the first month and once a week in the following month.

Of all the volunteers, 14 men achieved normal erectile function at the end of the research period, while three noted no difference. For the remaining participants, it only took two weeks to achieve a full, longlasting erection.

According to the study, men reported no side effects. However, the researchers assume that only a very small number of volunteers took part in the clinical study.

How to use

The user must insert the penis into the opening of the Vertica: the ring of the device has electrodes that, when in contact with the organ, begin to work at high frequency until a temperature of 40 ° C is reached.

According to OhhMed Medical, the person must hold down the tool button continuously while using it, which must last 30 minutes. Initially, therapy should be repeated three times a week, after a month the sessions are reduced to twice a week.

The company guarantees that Vertica is a simple and easytouse, painless and noninvasive medical device designed to relieve longterm erectile dysfunction in the comfort of your own home.

What health authorities say about the device

Vertica has received the seal of approval in Europe and meets the general safety and performance requirements of all European medical device regulations. This means it can now be sold in the European Union (EU).

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the US regulatory agency, has not yet commented on the medical use of Vertica, but the agency is expected to issue an official statement in early 2024. There is no prospect of Anvisa rating or sales launch in Brazil.

In the United Kingdom, the device will be sold for 1,200 pounds (equivalent to around R$7,000).

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