The dishonest abbreviations by Haroun Bouazzi

The dishonest abbreviations by Haroun Bouazzi |

On Monday, QS MP Haroun Bouazzi uploaded a video urging Quebec not to be “complicit in the apartheid regime in Israel-Palestine.”

The association between Israel and South Africa of yore is a classic of fanatics, anti-Semites, Islamists and ignoramuses who speak too quickly.

Its real goal is to delegitimize Israel by associating it with a racist state in order to better isolate it.


We may well criticize certain Israeli policies, but the comparison between Israel’s Arab population (20% of the population) and the blacks of former South Africa is grotesque.

In Israel, Arabs vote in elections, sit in Parliament, sit on the Supreme Court, make up 20% of all doctors and 17% of all university students…despite the rockets rained down by Hamas.

Yes, there is the nagging issue of the Palestinian territories and new settlements, which many Israelis criticize themselves.

What happened to black people who once criticized apartheid?

Of course, democracy flourishes so much in these areas under Palestinian administration that Mahmoud Abbas, who has extended his 4-year term to 15 years, cancels elections every time he fears losing them, and Hamas uses Gaza as a base for his military operations.

Israel is far from perfect, but do you think it’s easy to be surrounded by regimes that want your destruction and have allies in your own society?

Two peoples love the same land and they cannot divide it to make two sovereign states coexist.

Nothing to do with the old South Africa, a unitary regime, completely illegitimate, with racism enshrined in law.

Israel is not just about the Netanyahu government any more than the United States is about Trump.

If the Palestinian leadership, which rejected a state that was too small in 2000 and 2008, recognized Israel’s right to exist in peace, Netanyahu’s hardliners would not be as successful in the elections.

But should we be surprised at the QA officer’s dishonest acronyms?


In 2015, Outremont District canceled a room rental at the Sharia Academy, the MISHKA, which received Imams Assawy and Shahin for the occasion.

The first calls for jihad against the West and defends female genital mutilation and spousal rape.

The second argues that Muslims disobey Western laws.

Bouazzi said he distanced himself from fundamentalism but felt Outremont’s decision was not “democratic” and not “acceptable” and took us “out of the rule of law”.

More recently, in the spring of 2021, during the conflict between Hamas and Israel, when anti-Semites marched through Montreal chanting “Dirty Jews” and “Death Israel,” all of our parties supported a motion denouncing anti-Semitism… except QS.

I recently asked whether QS had actually been infiltrated by the Islamists. I think I have my answer.

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