The Ecuadorian government says there will be funding for new

The Ecuadorian government says there will be funding for new laws

In a statement, the ministry noted that the fourth quarter budget guidelines do not affect the normal functioning of other state powers.

This Thursday, ten political parties and movements of different ideological orientations accused the executive of boycotting the start of the work of the parliament elected in the last elections.

The text was signed by the organizations Actuemos, Avanza, Construye, Gente Buena, Partido Social Cristiano, Partido Sociedad Patriótica, Reto, Revolución Ciudadana, Suma and Centro Democrático.

They point out that the measures to cut public spending dictated by Minister Pablo Arosemena blatantly disregard the citizen’s mandate in order to boycott the immediate transition and unnecessarily prolong his mandate.

They also rejected the economic policies of the executive branch, which President Guillermo Lasso describes as successful, but in practice, as they said, there is a decline in income, high country risk and an undeniable financial crisis.

In its defense, the ministry claimed that the government increased current spending in line with the requirements of the Constitution to increase it annually by 0.5 percent of gross domestic product on health and education, items that account for about $1.2 billion .

The deputy Pierina Correa, of the Citizen Revolution and the most elected deputy in the country, referred to the lack of funds the day before, pointing out that this is a special situation since after the death on the cross they have to start from scratch, which is their responsibility need $5.5 million to hire administrative and consulting staff.

In light of these comments, the government ministry also assured that it “guarantees an orderly and responsible transition and the allocation of resources for the normal functioning and establishment of the Assembly.”

The legislature is scheduled to be seated on November 20 and then inaugurate President-elect Daniel Noboa about 10 days later, although this depends on appeals filed with the National Electoral Council.
