The elected president of Guatemala introduced a new cabinet

The elected president of Guatemala introduced a new cabinet

At a ceremony at the “Hugo Carrillo” Chamber Theater of the Miguel Ángel de Asturias Cultural Center in the capital, the standard bearer of the Semilla movement and his vice president Karin Herrera presented the country to the appointees.

The new Vice President explained the background of the professionals who will be responsible for the different portfolios, summarizing the professional experience and academic training of each.

He emphasized that these are professionals committed to the progress of the nation, all trained with the necessary tools and aware of the values ​​to which the Arévalo government professes.

“Knowing that honesty, work and commitment must always have priority,” emphasized the biochemist by profession.

He added that it is a cabinet that works as a team and knows what actions it needs to take to deliver for the people of Guatemala.

The winner of the last elections later explained that these were men and women who had decided to dedicate themselves to their country as civil servants.

“This is not just any team, we see it as reflecting the wishes and hopes of many families who cannot continue to wait for the country to move forward,” he said.

They were professionals who responded to the challenge entrusted to them, which is related to the challenges in the political and institutional spheres, but above all to the fundamental service of the functions: work at the service of the population, he emphasized.

“The task will not be easy, but today we are facing a historic cabinet that has taken this step forward,” explained Arévalo.

He described it as strange that previous governments had failed to establish a common executive and said he hoped this was the start of a trend that would continue.

As if women and men did not have the same abilities or conditions to serve the people, thought the former diplomat, sociologist and writer.

The appointment of the team was based on an analysis of CVs and the experience and training of each professional was taken into account, he described.

The current MP also stressed that this Cabinet has a single and primary mission, namely to work tirelessly to improve the lives of all Guatemalans.

The presidential duo will take office next Sunday the 14th and a day later the mayors and council heads of this Central American territory will take office.

List of the new cabinet

-Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food: Maynor Estrada.

-Environment and natural resources: María José Iturbide.

-Communication, infrastructure and housing: Jazmín de la Vega.

-Culture and sport: Liwy Grazioso.

-National Defense: Brigadier General Henry Sáenz.

-Social development: Abelardo Pinto.

-Economics: Gabriela García-Quinn. -Education: Anabella Giracca.

-Energy and Mining: Anayté Guardado.

-Public Finance: Jonathan Menkos.

-Government: Francisco Jiménez. -Foreign relations: Carlos Martínez.

-Public health and social welfare: Oscar Cordón.

-Labor and social security: Miriam Roquel.
