1696527871 The electoral board fined Sanchez 2200 euros for criticizing PP

The electoral board fined Sánchez 2,200 euros for criticizing PP and Vox in a European Council in the middle of the election campaign

The electoral board fined Sanchez 2200 euros for criticizing PP

Pedro Sánchez has to pay a fine of 2,200 euros for violating the principle of neutrality of public officials during the election campaign. This was decided this Thursday by the Central Electoral Committee, which approved the statements of the President of the Government in a press conference on June 30, after the European Council held on the same day and the day before, in which he warned against the formation of the leaders between PP and Vox. The body’s resolution partially agrees with the Popular Party, which denounced these critical statements by Sánchez against the population and the Ultras in an official headquarters, the Permanent Representation of Spain to the EU in Brussels, which is prohibited by law.

The organization believes that Sánchez used “the public resources available to him as president” to make comments with “judgmental and election-related content.” And that his statements in an official headquarters constitute a violation of the principle of neutrality in accordance with Article 50.2 of the Organic Law of the General Electoral Regime (LOREG) and also an “impairment of the principle of equality” between the political parties participating in elections. , pursuant to Article 8.1 of the same legal text.

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In his press conference, Pedro Sánchez explained that after the local and regional elections of May 28, “the Spaniards” have the information that “wherever they can join the Popular Party and govern with Vox, they will do so.” And before the new election, the parliamentary election of July 23, he said: “We are facing an election day and the formation of a far-right coalition government between the People’s Party and Vox or a progressive government between the Sumar party and the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party”. Sánchez explained the agreement between the population and the ultras to govern as allies in Extremadura, and also explained what he saw as the achievements of his government, such as economic and employment growth or better control of inflation than in other European countries.

The penalty imposed on the leader of the PSOE is established in Article 153.1 of the LOREG, which stipulates that the penalty for anything reprehensible that does not constitute a crime is between 300 and 3,000 euros when it concerns authorities (as is the case ). ) or officials and between 100 and 1,000 when carried out by individuals.

The same applies to Aragonès

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The president of the Catalan Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, was also fined 2,200 euros by the Central Electoral Commission, which decided that the republican politician committed a violation of the LOREG by attending the event on July 13. Presentation of the Maresme mobility improvements, planned with a contribution of 384 million euros” and for some statements he made during it. The JEC partially agrees with the PSC-PSOE, which denounced that Aragonès had exploited an institutional act for partisan purposes, which in itself “apparently constitutes a violation of the ban on holding inauguration ceremonies for public works or services or projects of this type”. .” “.

The electoral board only announced the purpose and amount of the sanctions this Thursday and is referring to tomorrow, Friday, for the publication of the legal arguments that it took into account when passing the resolutions.

The JEC refuses to open a file at the CIS


The Central Electoral Board has decided not to open a sanction procedure against the Sociological Research Center (CIS), as requested by the PP, because it does not recognize that the population center headed by José Félix Tezanos has violated the law with its “persecution”. “to determine the development of the vote in the 23J election campaign. The People’s Party considered that the CIS may have committed an electoral crime by not providing the parties with the results of the approximately 2,700 daily polls it conducted during the election campaign for a study to determine electoral trends in that period before the election had. the general elections

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