1704483746 The Epstein Papers Minors to the powerful to blackmail them

The Epstein Papers, “Minors to the powerful to blackmail them” News Ansa.it

Clinton threatens Vanity Fair to publish articles about his friend Jeffrey Epstein. Two years after flying on the infamous “Lolita Express,” a supermodel commits suicide under suspicious circumstances. Young people are offered sexual prey to celebrities from the American and international political and financial worlds in order to blackmail them.

The series of court documents related to the Epstein case, released in parts as if they were a television series, seem like a Pandora's box, five years after his suicide in prison while awaiting trial on charges of human trafficking of minors waits.

The second tranche of documents, 19 after more than 40 on Wednesday, with thousands of pages of testimony, revealing new names but also embarrassing details related to people already known in Epstein's circle, even if they are not criminally relevant. It is the case Bill Clintonwho allegedly walked into the offices of Vanity Fair and “threatened” employees not to publish stories about his good friend Jeffrey’s sex trafficking.

She was the one who told the story Virginia Giuffre, Epstein's big accuser, in an email to a Chron reporter. It is unclear where Giuffre learned of Clinton's threats. The documents describe the former president as someone who “traveled with Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell (his girlfriend, editor's note) and could have had information about the behavior” of the financier and his accomplice.

The unpublished details also include the story of the Russian-Kazakh top model Ruslana KorshunovaAdvertising icon of various fashion houses who committed suicide in 2008 at the age of 20 by falling from the ninth floor of her apartment near Wall Street under suspicious circumstances: two years earlier she had flown on Jeffrey Epstein's infamous “Lolita Express” jet Travel to his Caribbean island of Little St. James, scene of orgies and sexual encounters between VIPs and minors.

But one of the most interesting documents is the one that lifts the veil on what they were the targets of youth trafficking Staged by the financier and his partner: Epstein offered a girl, identified in a 2014 document under the pseudonym “Jane Doe 3,” to “numerous prominent American politicians, powerful corporate leaders, foreign presidents, a well-known prime minister and other leaders.” to worldwide,” with the aim of “rewarding them for his financial activities,” but also “to obtain potential blackmail information.” As? Have the teen tell you the details of sexual encounters.

However, the document does not name the VIPs. The young woman was first contacted by Maxwell in 1999 when she was just 15 years old. Like her, dozens of other minors.

Under the new names of “Customersappear those of Leslie Wexner, the retail giant behind Victoria's Secret, The Limited and other chain stores. Or billionaire Glenn Dubin, former US ambassador and New Mexico governor Bill Richardson, former senator George Mitchell. Everyone denies it.

The names that continue to attract attention are those of Bill Clinton, Donald Trump. And from pRinpe Andrea, in which an anti-monarchist political group, Republic, has called for new investigations. But Scotland Yard has already closed the door after previous investigations ended in non-prosecution and the prince's multimillion-dollar out-of-court settlement with his accuser Virginia Giuffre.

Learn more The Epstein Papers Minors to the powerful to blackmail them US gives green light to Ukrainian training on F 16.ico ANSA agency Trump, Clinton and Prince Andrew on the cards Epstein – News – Ansa.it Also Michael Jackson and Hawking. But no crime (ANSA)

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