The escalation in the Middle East follows the perfidious script

The escalation in the Middle East follows the perfidious script of…

The US wants to prevent the war in Gaza from turning into a conflagration. Jordan, Egypt and also Palestinian President Abbas should help Biden with this.

The mission is so important that the boss himself arrives. Despite constant rocket attacks from Hamas, Joe Biden landed in his Air Force One at Tel Aviv airport on Wednesday. The US President does not just want to send a strong signal of solidarity with Israel after the horrific Hamas terrorist massacre. His visit has more to do with: preventing a conflagration in the Middle East. The situation has recently gotten worse with each passing hour. The bloodbath at al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza and the death of so many people in a devastating explosion are causing shock and outrage. And provide ammunition in the propaganda battle being waged – especially on the Internet – alongside the war of missiles and bombs.