1664823803 The euro goes up in smoke crisis inflation Explanations and

“The euro goes up in smoke! crisis, inflation. Explanations and predictions!! “. Editorial by Charles SANNAT Insolentiae

My dear impertinents, dear impertinents,

This week I invite you to reflect before your eyes on the euro currently going up in smoke.

You may not know, but the euro is collapsing against the dollar. Incidentally, I dedicate an important part of the dossier “Central banks attack you, how to turn their strategy in your favor” to this topic, because you will see that this exchange rate history is the tree that hides the forest. This weekly video is designed to help you better understand the mechanisms currently at work.

You may know it, but the 8 p.m. news didn’t give you a convincing explanation.

Maybe you got it more or less, but that still doesn’t tell you what will happen now.

So this week I offer you some explanations and perspectives to understand why the euro goes up in smoke.
Where does this fall in our currency come from?

I also suggest that you make some predictions and I will show you why all of this is doomed to fail as the elements causing this fall are understandable and predictable. Since they are still there and the same causes have the same effects, this decline in the European currency will continue, as will the inflation that will accompany it.

I also tell you what changes are likely to result in the situation developing more favorably.

I hope you come out of this video with more understanding of the situation than you entered it! I also hope that you will share it massively.

I’m sharing my few thoughts of the week with you here. Again, no absolute truth here, but ideas to gain altitude and anticipate what could happen to protect you, you and those you love, who are important to you.

It’s already too late, but all is not lost.

Prepare yourself!


The euro goes up in smoke crisis inflation Explanations and“Insolentiae” means “impudence” in Latin.
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To write to my wife [email protected]

You can also subscribe to my monthly newsletter “STRATEGIES” which will allow you to go further and in which I will share with you the concrete solutions you need to implement to prepare you for the next world. These solutions are articulated around the PEL approach – Heritage, Employment, Location. The idea is to share with you the tools and methods to build your personal and family resilience.

“To stifle peaceful revolutions, one makes violent revolutions inevitable” (JFK)

“This is a ‘presslib’ article, which means it may not be reproduced in whole or in part unless this paragraph is subsequently reproduced. Insolentiae.com is the site where Charles Sannat speaks daily, providing unabashed and uncompromising analysis of business news. Thanks for visiting my site. You can subscribe to the daily newsletter free of charge at www.insolentiae.com. »