That Eu Parliament asked to include abortion in the EU Charter of Rights. The entire Italian centre-right party is against. The plenum of StrasbourgIn fact, yesterday, July 7, he gave the green light to the resolution “strongly condemning the regression in women’s rights and sexual health” after the decision. US Supreme Courtwhich cancels the sentence Deer vs Wade revoked the right to abortion. Instead, the Euro Chamber proposes including the right to abortion in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. The decision was taken 324 votes in favour, 115 against and 38 abstentions.
In the European Parliament, there are very distant positions on the subject of rights. And as with taxonomy, so with abortion the Ursula majority split since more than half of the Popolari voted against. Among the “No” were also those of the blue deputies. Forza Italia, Fdi and Lega have indeed voted narrowly. “It’s shameful, do you want Poland and Hungary to be the model for Europe?” attacked the head of the Democratic Party delegation Brando Benifei. “The left wants to make abortion a business,” was the reaction Vincenzo Sofo, from Fdi-Ecr. “An absurd interference by the EU against member states and even the US is another act of arrogance by the left,” attacked the Lega Nord Simona Baldassare, who is also head of the Salvinian family department.
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US Supreme Court overturns abortion rights: what happens now? 26 states risk ban: 13 will be triggered within 30 days
In the document, MEPs explain that a proposal needs to be presented to the Council to change thatArticle 7 of the Charter because “everyone has Right to safe and legal abortion“And wait for the European Council to convene to convene a convention to revise the treaties. The resolution expresses full solidarity and support for women in the United States and for those involved in providing and promoting the right and access to legal and safe abortion assistance in such difficult circumstances, and they ask at the congress of United States out hand over an invoice the protect abortion at the federal level. MEPs are also expressing concern about a possible surge in cash flow funding anti-gender and anti-choice groups in Europe too, urging EU countries to decriminalize abortion and address remaining legal, financial, social and social practices in Europe abolish and combat in some Member States . Member States should ensure access to safe, legal and free abortion services, maternal and antenatal health services, voluntary family planning, youth-friendly services, and prevention, treatment and support in the fight against HIV without any form of discrimination as stated in the decision. The Commission and Member States should step up their political support for human rights defenders and healthcare providers working to promote sexual and reproductive health and related rights.