The European Union adopts the 10th package of sanctions against

The European Union adopts the 10th package of sanctions against Russia

Flag of Russia Photo: Pexels

Flag of Russia


After intense discussions, the European Union passed the 10th package of sanctions against Russia because of the beginning of the war Ukraine this Saturday (25.) The penalties affect 121 Russian individuals and organizations and are estimated at 11 billion euros.

“There are significant new import/export restrictions, a ban on the distribution of Russian propaganda. We remain united in our determination to attack Russia’s war machine,” said EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell.

According to European, the measures are still aimed “at those responsible for the deportation and forced adoption of at least six thousand Ukrainian children”, which constitutes a “clear violation of international law”.

The Swedish government, which chairs the bloc, said that “tighter export restrictions related to ‘dual use’ have been included. [de equipamentos] and Technology”.

“Together, EU member states have imposed the toughest and most comprehensive sanctions to help Ukraine win the war. The EU stands united with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. We will support Ukraine for as long as necessary,” he said Swedish note.

Welcoming the adoption of the new sanctions package, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said that “these are the largest sanctions ever imposed, reducing Russia’s war arsenal and profoundly affecting its economy”. “We are also increasing the pressure on those who want to help [a Rússia] to escape our sanctions,” he added.

Following the announcement, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi welcomed the new package’s acceptance, saying “pressure against the Russian aggressor must increase”.

“We expect decisive steps against Rosatom [companhia estatal de energia nuclear] and the Russian nuclear industry and more pressure on the military and banks,” he added.

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