The execution of the two girls who escaped the rave on October 7th Repubblica TV

Documents detailing Hamas’ atrocities in the October 7 massacre remain horrifying. This footage released today is reminiscent of nightmare scenes from horror films. It shows a group of children who had managed to escape the rave in Re’im early in the morning. They had reached a parking lot near Kibbutz Alumim and were convinced that they were finally safe: some sat on the sidewalk, shocked and afraid. Instead, the surveillance cameras there also record the terrorists arriving on foot. The young people recognize the danger and try to escape onto the busy street. They split in all directions. A militia member is chasing two young people. The first has a skirt and a long duster that hinder her: the man shoots her in the head. Then he reaches the second young woman who is kneeling in front of him. The jihadist fires a volley at the other refugees. Then he remains silent in front of the girl for twenty seconds. He is quiet, he looks around. Then he grabs the Kalashnikov, fires at close range and kills her. Horrible images that require no comment.
by Gianluca Di Feo