The expansion of medical euthanasia doesnt go too far says

The expansion of medical euthanasia “doesn’t go too far,” says the doctor

The expansion of medical euthanasia proposed in a new draft law does not go too far, according to a family doctor who carries out medical euthanasia as part of his practice.

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Assisted suicide is a gentle procedure that has nothing to do with certain American practices — which would be painful — assured Dr. Julien Auger, who performs medical euthanasia at the Hospital of Saint-Jerome. He was on the set of the show “Le monde à l’envers” Friday night to talk about it.

Last week, Minister for Health and Elderly Sonia Bélanger presented a bill amending the End-of-Life Care Act and adding new legal provisions, particularly to include people with severe neuromotor disorders. The draft law also provides for the possibility of making a pre-inquiry.

The expansion of medical euthanasia

According to the doctor, “when people are there, they are comfortable with their decision. These are people who have experienced unimaginable suffering. […] There are no other solutions for them, they have reached their limits. If they take that step, it’s because they believe in it and look forward to it,” he told Stéphan Bureau.

Since practicing this procedure, which he would not change in the existing protocol as it is gentle and respectful, only one patient has changed his mind when receiving the injection.

At the same time, the doctor recalled the importance and duty of final confirmation of the patient’s consent before commencing euthanasia of a person.

“This is a special campaign. It’s never trivial, even if we’ve made dozens of them. It’s never normal to go into a room and give medical attention when you’re dying,” he said.

Guy Nantel, Sophie Durocher, Yasmine Abdelfadel and Biz were the week’s debaters, while Alexandre Barrette, who is promoting his new show Sortez-moi d’ici!, was a guest performer. The comedian also returned to the cancellation of “The Tower,” a show he’s been working on since last season, and tolerance for humor on television.

The program “Le monde à l’envers” is broadcast live on TVA every Friday at 8 p.m.