1699854755 The Expedition DiaryDAY 1 In Search of the Spinosaur Terra

The Expedition Diary/DAY 1: In Search of the Spinosaur Terra e Poli Ansa.it

The Italian expedition to Morocco begins. The goal, like a prehistoric puzzle, is to recover the most complete skeleton in the world of a dinosaur of the genus Spinosaurus, which differed from all others in that it was a semi-aquatic predator with a bizarre and partly still unknown anatomy. Since 2013, paleontologists have been recovering remains in Morocco every year. This time, in addition to the group of scientists that also includes Cristiano Dal Sasso from the Natural History Museum of Milan, paleontologists from the British University of Portsmouth and the Moroccan University of Casablanca are there. The research project is led by Nizar Ibrahim from the University of Portsmouth.
The expedition diary on ANSA Scienza: updates with text and images, thanks to the availability of Cristiano Dal Sasso

day 1

Here we are. This afternoon we will comfortably cross the Mediterranean to land in North Africa in less than three hours. Casablanca has been the meeting point for our expeditions to the Sahara for years. We need to reconstruct a puzzle of 95 million year old bones, but we don’t have them all yet. That’s why we’re here, to look for those who are missing.

The Expedition DiaryDAY 1 In Search of the Spinosaur Terra

The paleontologists’ journey begins and leads to Morocco (Source: Cristiano Dal Sasso)

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