the fake Zalones show is from applausi

the fake Zalone’s show is from applausi

by Renato Franco

The new comedian tour “Amore + Iva” starts in Florence. Among the characters played are the maestro Riccardo Muti and Vasco Rossi, who becomes a health-conscious blood test obsessive

He plays Maestro Muti in a symphony of ambiguities. He dresses up as Putin and talks about how his problem is the length of his penis. He puts on Vasco Rossi’s dressing gown and explains that from a reckless life to a crushed liver is just an instant. Checco Zalone is back with his politically incorrect satire and irony that makes you laugh because some things couldn’t be said. But he can, and at that point he authorizes the entire public to follow him down in a cathartic descent. Vulgar, but for a good cause, because Checco Zalone shows the contradictions of today’s society in his new show Amore + Iva. When he imagines the adoption of a rainbow family in an orphanage in Predappio: “For the progressives, the gay couple stays gay and the child stays straight, it’s not contagious”, but the little Italo wants a traditional family, one in which ” the Husband works and goes out with the sluts in the evenings while the wife stays at home ».

“Dolce and Gabbana”

He discards them all, but in the end he’s convinced he’s meeting a rainbow family in crisis, one happily living in the Los Angeles mansion and the other preferring Saint-Moritz; one chooses the plane, the other the yacht. «Real Dolce?», «Yes Gabbana». When they promise him the latest smartphone model, the child dissolves his reservations. Better rich and rainbow than poor and traditional. The context changes, but the ending keeps us thinking in the sketch where there is the middle-class lady who wants to adopt a Ukrainian, pity they were caught and only the Syrians remain, “but they don’t fit well together with the dark parquet” . But trying hard, a new one appears: “But her name must not be Maria, in Bari she makes few refugees”. Then it’s time to scrap it, “because I can’t see the horror of war in your eyes anymore.” In short, solidarity also has an expiry date. Two hours of laughter with Checco Zalone playing the new Vasco Rossi, the sane ex Drugs and Rock n Roll; Now he has other stats, like hemoglobin, to look out for.

Satire on Putin

Sane and obsessed with blood tests (“Remember what good songs you wrote when you were on drugs?”). That’s enough, he’s the passion flower type, at most he tears down a strip of guarana. In his own way, Zalone also explains the reason for the war in Ukraine, Putin’s small penis: “Hence my great friendship with the Chinese people. You have no idea how bad it is in football, never urinated in Autogrill. When I found out that there is a surgeon in Ukraine who performs penis enlargements, I said to one of my generals, ‘We need a special operation.’ I guess he didn’t get it.” The most vulgar piece, and therefore the best, is when you put on Maestro Muti’s tails (“I hate superlatives, call me a genius: that’s fine”). The fable of Pierino and the wolf becomes the alternative of Pierino and Alvaro Vitali, Chopin’s nocturnes were actually for the right hand or the left hand, “but now I’ll tell you about Segovia”. A touch of opera resonates and the maestro is annoyed: «What the hell are these crazy women saying on stage? Orietta Berti is clear, Iva Zanicchi is clear, Madame is clear … Well, they pay me a bang, say what the hell you want ». Florence, homeland of the Medici (“that’s my last name”) and the vulgar (“that’s my cipher”), laughs and applauds because when he gives himself away, “the man is passionate, but the woman is a slut”. And it goes on for another 100 appointments.

November 9, 2022 (Change November 9, 2022 | 10:46)