The Ferragnezs are back together But there is one detail

The Ferragnezs are back together. But there is one detail that excites fans

After a long time, Fedez And Chiara Ferragni They reappeared together. Returning from Miami after a short business trip, the rapper decided to celebrate Valentine's Day with a classic dinner in the company of the digital entrepreneur. The right opportunity to drive away someone's voices crisis marriage (or trying to improve the relationship, someone says), but above all to try to forget the legal problems that Chiara Ferragni is facing because of the Pandoro Gate and other suspicious commercial operations related to charities.

Dinner at Cracco in the gallery

The rapper shared a photo and a video of it romantic evening he spent with his wife in chef Carlo Cracco's restaurant in the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, where they both live. The shot of the couple in the elevator, then the short film of the reserved table with hearts and flowers caused cheers among Ferragnez fans, but one detail did not escape the attentive eyes of the followers. While Fedez shared the most beautiful moments with Chiara, she sponsored his products in the stories of her account Instagram. No photos with her husband and no glamor dinner shots like she did months ago when she was an influencer like the others.

Sales slump for Ferragni

The economic backlash, which Ferragni receives after the antitrust fine and the numerous legal investigations in which she is involved, does not contribute to sales and in the absence of new external sponsorships (given the onslaught of brands) there is nothing left for the influencer but himself to concentrate on its products. And that is exactly what she has been doing since her return to social networks after a short absence due to a communication strategy that required keeping a low profile at the time of the greatest media storm surrounding the Pandoro case. However, when the worst was over, Chiara Ferragni had to go back to work – if we can say so – to boost sales of her Products fell sharply between December and January.

Sponsored photos on social media

The influencer shared some of them again post, limiting comments to friends and family, but most importantly, the company has gone back to filling the story feed with dozens of sponsorships for its products. The photos of the children and the dog Paloma always convey an idea of ​​normality, but the most popular are the advertising content. Ferragnez fans will therefore have been disappointed when they saw that the influencer did not dedicate a photo or video of her romantic evening to her husband Fedez.