The Food of the Future Seen Through 3D Technology Cuban

The Food of the Future Seen Through 3D Technology Cuban Directory

Technology is advancing in giant steps around the world, that is a fact. The latest advance concerns the ever-important food for humans. Food produced in laboratories will prove to be the future for guests in the medium term.

The goal of the food industry is to create innovative personalized nutrition plans using artificial intelligence. 3D printed food is already knocking on the door of families of the future. Here we explain what the latest technology fads are all about.

The role of technology in the food sector has become increasingly important in recent months and years. This was announced in a report by the TBWA agency. To create the final document, consumption trends and industry progress in fifteen countries were examined.

By the way, the report, entitled “Welcome to the Future!”, revealed new aspects based on the willingness to use technology as a tool to solve food problems.

Cultures in laboratories

The food of the future depends on what can be produced in laboratories. Meat, dairy, and even AI-personalized diets will be “tested” by future generations. The food industry is also continuously working to develop foods that meet medical requirements as well as physical and mental health.

Create it! 3D food printers will become a widely used household appliance in the future. The food is prepared using technological tools. They all represent “the great opportunity for a smarter, less wasteful and highly creative food industry,” says the TBWA report.

Jesús Fuertes, TBWA’s Vice President of Strategy and Investments in Spain, commented on the issue. “There is a change in the vision of the use of technologies driven by social and environmental issues. They force us to judge food differently. “We will advocate for more ethical, sustainable and inclusive food.”

It’s no secret that with the help of technology, a completely à la carte menu can be prepared. “Thanks to 3D printing, this will soon be a reality,” the report says. This is the case with Top Table’s food printing system, which already prepares personalized, nutritious desserts.

It also turns out that the US Army is creating 3D printed proteins customized to the needs of each soldier.