The Free Word A Common Europe |

As an ardent European, I am very happy that Ukraine is gaining a perspective in the European Union. Especially when we see the enormous challenges that lie ahead globally, a strong Europe that brings together all free and democratic nations and ethnic groups and is aware of its strengths is even more important. The idea of ​​Europe is communion, mutual help and, of course, joint prosperity. And this can only happen in a strong alliance. It is absolutely clear that investments will have to be made at the beginning, but the economic benefits that we Europeans will obtain by accepting Ukraine will outweigh them in the medium and long term. Ukraine is a huge economic area that wants to be developed, which needs strong companies to do business there. And that benefits us all. Payments to Ukraine are quickly cleared. Only a strong and common Europe can guarantee prosperity and peace. An aggressor will think very carefully before acting against a united, defensive Europe. Economically, a Europe can face and master the challenges of the future much better than a collection of individual states that just want to take advantage of others. I am proud that we have created something unique in Europe. It is now important to expand this union to ensure peace and prosperity.