The G20 finance ministers are meeting in Sao Paulo this

The G20 finance ministers are meeting in São Paulo this week

The fight against global inequality and reforms in multilateral financial institutions will be the main highlights of the first ministerial meeting of the G20 Finance Track, a group of the world's 20 largest economies. The meeting, which is part of the agenda of Brazil's G20 presidency, will take place this week at the Biennale Pavilion in Ibirapuera Park in São Paulo. Finance Minister Fernando Haddad and Central Bank (BC) President Roberto Campos Neto represent Brazil.The G20 finance ministers are meeting in Sao Paulo thisThe G20 finance ministers are meeting in Sao Paulo this

This Monday (26) and Tuesday (27), representatives and secretaries of finance ministers and central bank governors will hold a preparatory meeting at the same location. On these dates, Ambassador Tatiana Rosito, Secretary for International Affairs at the Ministry of Finance and Coordinator of the G20 Finance Track, will represent the Ministry.

On Wednesday (28), Haddad and Campos Neto will take part in the thematic sessions of the ministerial meeting. In parallel, the Finance Minister will hold a series of bilateral meetings and events on the sidelines of the ministerial meeting.

Side events

On Monday, Haddad will meet with Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov at the Finance Ministry's office in São Paulo; and with the director of GFANZ Bank (an institution financing the transition to a zerocarbon economy), Mark Carney. The minister will also meet with Brazil's Executive Director at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Afonso Bevilaqua. and with IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva.

On the same day, the minister will take part in two events related to the ecological transition plan. At 11 a.m., Haddad will hold a press conference at the Ministry of Finance building on Avenida Paulista to present the Exchange Rate Protection Program for Sustainable Green Investments. At 3:20 p.m. he will take part in the opening panel of the Climate Change Forum at the Rosewood Hotel, a G20 sociallylabeled event organized by civil society organizations.

On Tuesday, Haddad will meet Norwegian Finance Minister Trygve Vedum; and from Portugal, Fernando Medina, in the morning. At 11 a.m. he will attend an event at the American Chamber of Commerce (Amcham) with US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. The event celebrates 200 years of relations between the United States and Brazil.

In the afternoon, Haddad will hold a closed working meeting on the G20 summit in the Biennale Pavilion; and will represent Brazil at the meeting of governors of the countries of the New Development Bank (NDB), also known as Brics Bank, at the same venue. A closeddoor meeting with NDB President Dilma Rousseff is planned for 5 p.m. At 5:45 p.m., Haddad will take part in a meeting of the finance ministers of the Brics countries, which this year will also take place in the Biennale Pavilion under the chairmanship of Russia.

On Wednesday, Haddad will meet Saudi Arabia's Economy Minister Faisal bin Fadhil alIbrahim at the Biennale. At 9.45 a.m. the minister will give the opening speech of the ministerial meeting. At 2 p.m., Haddad will attend an event hosted by the InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB) at the Ibirapuera Auditorium. A statement is planned in the presence of the President of the IMF Director General; World Bank President Ajay Bang; and IDB President Ilan Goldfajn.

At 2:45 p.m., Haddad will take part in the second session of the G20 meeting, chaired by Campos Neto, which will discuss global prospects for growth, employment, inflation and financial stability.

On Thursday (29), Haddad will hold a bilateral meeting with French Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire at the Biennale building. At 10 a.m. he will give a lecture on international taxation. At 1:30 p.m. the minister will chair a meeting with G20 finance ministers and visiting ministers from African countries. At 2:30 p.m., Haddad will participate in a panel on global debt and sustainable development.

The G20 meeting will conclude with final ministerial reflections at 6:00 p.m. and a final press conference at 6:30 p.m. by Haddad and Ambassador Tatiana Rosito.


The G20 Finance Track proposes a debate on the role of public policies in addressing inequalities, in line with Brazil's overall priorities in the G20. The ministerial meeting will also address global perspectives on growth, employment, inflation and financial stability.

The Treasury said the debates aim to promote best practices for dealing with growing global debt and financing sustainable development. In addition, international taxes and countries' perspectives on the financial sector will be discussed.


So far, delegations from 27 countries have confirmed their presence at the meeting. Announced participants include U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen; Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner; the African Union Commissioner for Trade and Industry, Albert Muchanga; Indonesian Finance Minister Sri Indrawati; and Argentina’s Economy Minister Luis “Toto” Caputo.

In addition to finance ministers and central bank governors, highranking representatives from 16 international organizations and banks will also take part in the event.

In December last year, a preparatory meeting for the G20 ministerial meeting was held at the Itamaraty Palace in Brasília. The event was attended by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Haddad and Campos Neto.

View the list of G20 members and invited delegations that have confirmed their presence at the ministerial meeting:

• South Africa;

• Germany;

• Angola;

• Saudi Arabia;

• Argentina;

• Australia;

• Canada;

• China;

• South Korea;

• Egypt;

• United Arab Emirates;

• Spain;

• US;

• France;

• India;

• Indonesia;

• Italy;

• Japan;

• Mexico;

• Nigeria;

• Norway;

• Portugal;

• Great Britain;

• Russia;

• Singapore;

• Switzerland;

• Türkiye;

• African Union;

• European Union